Time to Change! - Stayfree contest

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
12 years ago

Ladies & Gents, we have another contest - The Stayfree Time to Change! contest. Smile

Although this is a women's brand, everyone is invited to participate, and both men and women have an equal opportunity to win. Let us know if you have any questions, and we hope you like the topic!

Replies 41 to 60 of 152 Descending
TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Put in one more post for this contest. Next stop - my second post for Mahindra XUV contest. This year so far the contests have been wonderful.

from Raleigh
12 years ago

I wish i could take part in it

C. Suresh
C. Suresh
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Posted yet another entry. Now I have two entries each in both the open contests. Never thought I would manage it:):)


from Mumbai
12 years ago

my second entry submitted !! yay!excited:)

I'm about to post an entry. I'd love to read your posts and hope you all will return the compliment. All the best to everyone.

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

I am staying away from the contest 

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Stay away - Stay free from all the moh maya of contests and prizes.

Umesh ji is real brave, but the charm of trying and loosing is also great.

Arvind Passey
Arvind Passey
from Delhi
12 years ago

Umesh Derebail can also be renamed 'The rebel' (De-rebail)... :)

Good one, Arvind

One of the preconditions is - All entries must have a link to http://facebook.com/sftimetochange.

Can somebody please explain how one does that?

Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Just COPY PASTE that link on your blogSmile

C. Suresh
from Bangalore
12 years ago

One way is to copy and paste that URL in your post.

Otherwise you can select a few words in your post ('Change', say) and then click on the 'Link' option in your editor and paste the URL where it seeks the link address

sweta tiwary
from bangalore
12 years ago


You just need to add this link in your blog post written for this contest.

To do that, in post composer menu you ll see an option for link, click on that and  u can add this link.

You can also link any word or line of your post with this link in same way.

hope this helps. Smile

Thanks Pooja, CS and Sweta, for your kind help.

C. Suresh
from Bangalore
12 years ago

After school (in the long distant past) you are the only one who calls me CS :):)

Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
12 years ago


sweta tiwary
from bangalore
12 years ago

You are welcome Smile

Must've read, commented on and voted for about 20 posts out of 200. Takes loooong :-). Will read as many as possible.

C. Suresh
C. Suresh
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Thanks for making one of mine one of the 20..and for liking it:):)

I think more than photos and statuses on fb, more than manufactured news depending on whose side the newspapers, radio and tv channels are on, more than really stupid sitcoms and other tv programs, I've discovered I enjoy reading what bloggers (ordinary people) think and write about.

indu chhibber
from Kota
12 years ago

I agree with you,blogs are much more interesting than TV & fb....the latter comes across as vain & specious.

from Raleigh
12 years ago
Actually I want to ask something.The T&C for the Indi contests clearly mentions that only fresh posts are allowed for the contest but sadly I have come across many blogs where old blog posts are submitted for the contests and they have many votes.Is that even allowed?
Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
12 years ago

I think they posted the old POSTS once againSurprised.

Hmm.! If not, then even if their post is good, I don't think prize will be given to themUndecided

from Raleigh
12 years ago

infact i saw a post of 2009 :D

The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Well people can submit them but its a no brainer they will be DQ'd. But its best to keep an eye on. Afterall, its not rocket science to change dates. The things some people do. We have very handful of real bloggers. Rest are just like cabbage lying around the sandwich. Never used, never consumed- barely touched.

Farida Rizwan
from Bangalore
12 years ago

That was funny description of a blogger LOL 

from Chennai
12 years ago

I wrote an entry posted into the competition, but two days after that there was something which I witnessed and felt that "something else" was needed to be changed most trivial in our society. I thank my dad who took the decision against all his odds to educate me and my sisters.There are so many campaigns by government to educate the girl child? But some part of society even though rich enough does not understand the value of education to girl child. I wish we could change that. Please do read my experience and share your thoughts.

shehna, really liked your views penned perfectly well. 

Varun Gawarikar
Varun Gawarikar
from Manama
12 years ago

Just finished mine. Go read and interact :)

from Raleigh
12 years ago


Rayyan Rizwan
Rayyan Rizwan
from Bangalore
12 years ago

My first post for a contest. I have created a comic of my own for this post. Hope it will be appreciated by indibloggers. 

Arvind Passey
Arvind Passey
from Delhi
12 years ago

Yes, Rayyan... your entry is indeed refreshingly cool!... though I felt there was too much text for a 'comic-book' format. See if you can do something about it in future attempts. :)

Rayyan Rizwan
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Thank you for the tip. I will keep that in mind when I create my next comic


from Kolkata
12 years ago

:-) I got to read some good posts courtesy this contest.Kudos to Stayfree and Indiblogger for giving us this wonderful feast of reading material.Although,one thing bugs me.I see a lot of quality posts not getting as many promotions as they should.Wonder why.Some posts literally were very moving,to say the least.But response has been quite lukewarm for them.

Richa Sonpatki
Richa Sonpatki
from Mumbai
12 years ago

I almost wish they hadn't kept this contest open this long. There are way too many things that need to be changed in this country and this topic is just to stimulating to not keep thinking of what else I want to change! I hope this forum is publicized more so our voices are heard to make a difference!

from Kolkata
12 years ago

@Richa I do agree with you hundred percent.The topic is an idea machine.There are just SO many topics to write on this particular theme.

Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
12 years ago

I don't agreeCryTongue outI still haven't writtenUndecided

perfectly said richa ji, that's why I had started a tea time series, my daily thoughts on changes while drinking tea, and by love of friends, i posted my 10th tea time changes post. daily one post.

Rahul, the results don't depend on popularity - just quality. And I agree. The volume being so high, we are bound to miss promoting some good posts. I might have read, commented on and promoted what I think is a huge number of posts - about 50. That still leaves about 200 posts I've missed out on! I will go over them in due course because this topic interests me. Perhaps Stayfree should compile a book on what they think are the best 50.

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Doing a great job. Keep it up. I have also put a mental note to drop by at your blog.

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