captainjohann would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 40

Please do review my blog's appearance,content, Thanks

12 years ago

   A blog about Schizophrenia, national security issues, and occasionallly aviation and travel.

Replies 1 to 2 of 2
Subhorup Dasgupta
Subhorup Dasgupta
from Hyderabad
12 years ago

Not a review per se, but just a quick note to appreciate the work that you are doing. Happened to chance on your blog and really liked what I saw. I can identify with the challenge of maintaining a blog that addresses such a diverse range of topics. One feedback that I got when trying to do the same things with my blog was to bring the name of the blog, the description of the blog (the tag line under your blog name), the contents of the blog posts, and the tags or labels used into some sort of unity or cohesion. This may be something that you may want to look at. The other thing that I noticed was that there are way too many widgets on the right hand side bar, and almost none on the left. In addition, the blog background makes some of widget contents difficult to read. You can consider either changing the background or deleting the widgets in question. These are subjective suggestions only, and not criticism. Your writing, your topics, and your interests are fascinating.

12 years ago

Subhorup,  thanks a million for taking time to read the blog posts and give your valuable suggestions. I am an ammateur and was not knowing what is email even 5 years back. So when I started blogging, I did not even know what is tag and so just did not use it properly in my older posts.Now to go back and edit is not my cup of tea.But I think I must do it atleast on some of the important posts.I thought widgets can be only on the right side.thanks for the suggestion. I will spend some time on the blog and try to do what you have suggested. Once again thanks for the kindmess.

Subhorup Dasgupta
Subhorup Dasgupta
from Hyderabad
12 years ago

you can drag and drop the widgets from left to right or vice versa on your blogger layout page. enjoy your adventure, sir.