A familiar Question from a newbie to those big bloggers out there..

from hyd
12 years ago

Hi All,

Well.. this is my first topic in discussions.. and it is the same old question from all newbies.. 


We, as new and enthusiaistic bloggers, do expect readers to our blogs.. and mind you, some of us do really have quality stuff on their blogs. But, when we submit the blogs in Indivine, people vote for or read the blogs of high ranked bloggers and promote their posts only. . In that way, we are lagging behind.. Is there any way, where we can reach more audience.. ?? I am totally against self promotion in each and every topic though.. I just want to know if there is any better way to attract audience initially, so that it will boost up our confidence. Thank you guys. 

Edited 12 years ago
Reason: more clear
Replies 1 to 3 of 3 Ascending
Pooja Pradeep
Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Hey Venu, I'm a newbie here myself.

Even I didn't get readers at first but then IB here helped me.

Ani and Madhur have told most of the thingsSmile.

But, what I would like to add is, keep coming here frequently and read posts of other bloggers. When you find like-minded people ADD THEM TO YOUR NETWORK. In this way you can find out when they make a new post. Keep commenting and keep reading, by doing this, people will start visiting your blog and its viewers will also increase.

Even now I don't get much readers, but I'm happy about the fact that those who read, leave honest and true comments. My readers have increarsed than before, and I'm sure that Indi will help me gain more loyal readersSmile.

So, This is a suggestion from my experienceWink. Hope you find it useful!Smile

from hyd
12 years ago

Thank you guys.. and thanks to u animesh for guiding me. 

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Ohh, you are welcome Venu. One more suggestion, expore the forum here. You will get a lot of stuff to learn

from hyd
12 years ago

how do i market my self on social media.. ?? apart from facebook, twitter and those, are there any blog aggregators or forums where like minded people can discuss their ideas and posts just as indiblogger ? ?

Madhur Chadha
from Hyderabad
12 years ago

I am no way a BIG blogger :) and pretty new here too.

but if you have enough time, you should try what animesh said.WHen you are part of a conversation with a fellow blogger you get a visitor by default.They key is to leave relevant comments ,be part of conversation.

Share your articles on facebook ,twitter etc. If your content is good people will come.

Another option is Guest blogging.You blog on bigger blogs that accept guest blogs and you get a chance to tap into their reader base as well

ALso explore different mediums. I record poetry and post on youtube, my major traffic comes from description links in my youtube videos.

from Mumbai
12 years ago

There are a lot. Just google and you would find so many that you'll wonder yourself 

from Mumbai
12 years ago

And guest blogging is also a very good idea. 

To market on Facebook, first make a facebook fan page for your blog and get followers. Post links of your posts there. Also post them on your timeline (like status update). Make twitter account, make friends and share links :)

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