Manasa Komaravolu would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 25

My friends seem to think it's really good. What do you think??

Manasa Komaravolu
Manasa Komaravolu
from Secunderabad
13 years ago

My blog is a random collection of events in my life, punctuated by the book reviews (thanks to the book review program from blogadda) . Sometimes I reflect on life, sometimes i babble on. Oh, I also give advice when I feel like it.  Total timepass.

Replies 1 to 4 of 4

Hey Manasa,

Just came back from your blog. It was umm... different in a good way!

My suggestions : 

  1. Change your background. It's a tad difficult to read the posts, with that background. Or, change the font colour, which is tedious but preferable if you like the background very much.
  2. Your sidebar is empty, but still cluttered! Arrange the widgets properly so that they can be visually appeasing. And wouldn't hurt to have a few more widgets.
  3. Lovely content! Especially like the !@#$% post!!

Happy Blogging!!


Manasa Komaravolu
Manasa Komaravolu
from Secunderabad
13 years ago


Thanks for d compliments..

n u're right, my blog does need a bit of a makeover.. will get around doing it soon..  (but u kno wat "soon" means in the land of the lazy.. :P)

Welcome to the land where 'soon' ranges from right now to the end of time! Wink

Amarendra Bandla
Amarendra Bandla
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Please change the background of remove transparency for text. Lot of strain reading text when background is dominating. see if you can use HTML5 based themes. They are very appealing and will go well with your content.

Manasa Komaravolu
Manasa Komaravolu
from Secunderabad
13 years ago

@ Amarendra: Changed the background finally. It's simple, but a lot easier on the eyes than the previous one. :)

@ Insomniac: hey, in this case, 'soon' came pretty soon. :P  Gave it a makeover..  Do lemme kno wat u think..