Toll Tax collection on Roads Debate

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

The strike by cabbies for introduction on Toll on the return from BIAL airport seems to be justified from the point of view of too many intersections which is dangerous, there are as many as 3 traffic signals and many crossings which does not deserve toll.  Any toll has to be levied for a seamless drive, which ensures saving of fuel, tyre wear and tear and saving of time.  Bad roads, traffic stoppages etc don t deserve tolls. Even ring road or peripheral ring roads around city should not be tolled since they reduce traffic inside the city, by tolling these roads the basic idea of diverting traffic from city is defeated.  Debate guys 

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Micky Fernandez
Micky Fernandez
from Kolkata
12 years ago

What are your existing taxes being used for? Are they not for services, such as having good roads? If so, then I do not think that it is wise to pay twice for the same service. If not, then I do not think that it is wise to give more money to a government that is providing services.

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