How many of you post original content on your blogs
I am really curious to know how many bloggers really write original content .. i was reading a very popular blog recently and to my utter shock the blog owner had reproduced the same content from another blog.
Just thinking from the copier point of view - what does he get?
Is it earnings through blog? I really doubt if so many people make "real" money from blogs. Maybe I am wrong maybe I am new.
I very well know that there are people who simply copy and post - have seen this myself on a different language blog aggregator though.
One interesting question - Where does inspirations top and copying starts :)
ps: ofcourse I dump from my original brain
I don't understand why people go to the extent of plagiarizing! I mean, what do they gain from it! Sometimes there is a very thin line between 'inspiration' and 'copying'. And who knows it better than us Indians who have come to accept creative copying in all forms, especially in the fields of movies and music...
Thoughts, opinions and ideas will be unique for everyone. There might be some overlapping areas but the opinions will always be unique. It is sad if people just copy the content from a website to make a blog site. It is supposed to the views of the blog writer, so it has to come deep from the confines of your mind. The topic may be of a mundane day-to-day subject, however, the ideas or opinions arising out of that will be unique to that mind.
Take a look at this link and judge for yourself the boundary between creativity and simply writing:
Needless to say, a newbie, so kindly apologise for any mistakes which I do in the forum. They'll just be one-off incidents.......
Happy creative blogging to everyone.....
I post original stuff, unless I'm quoting someone in which case, obviously you give them credit. It's sad that people copy blog posts and everything =/
Similar stuff here..
Use the quotes extensively and give them the credit!
But I mostly write Editorials and predictions..
So everything is done on my own :D
Hey Sangeeta Reghu
You can check my Blog ... All the content is orignal... :)Share your Feedback ..
Posting links to your blog on the forum when not required is prohibited.
This a very old discussion that we had.. Good to hear that there are people who believe in writing new things and not in crtl C, V job ..
Additionally please don't put up your links and violate the forum guidelines .. request you to take it off ..
It's more important to write original content these days, as with the advancement of web search technologies, you can plagiarism checking tools like google search and copyscape, it's quite hard that you write plagiarised and go scot free and un-noticed.
The truth is that those who copy stay on to blog for only a short while... they soon discover that there isn't much money nor fame nor power nor sustenance in this. So I am not really fearful of those who copy. In fact, it is those who fear go on to disorient their minds and stray away from focus. Lots of good photographers mess up their work with ugly watermarks and stop viewers from enjoying a work of art... so yes, the plagiarists do mess up things for us all and need to be condemned.
100% from my own fevered imagination!!
Some people are experts at digging dead forum threads and push recent threads behind, they ought to be archaeologists!
Around 90%+ of my website is original, where as rest of the 10% is news, hence when published, its published with source mentioned !!
I am glad to say that 100% of the posts on my blog are original.
I know many travel-bloggers who do something akin to desk-journalism by skimming info from the internet, but at the end of the day the blog starts looking like a travel-guide instead of a travelogue. And there is a sea of difference between these two.
yea..ive seen that....some even if they go to those places...they write nothing about their personal experience nor any of their personal travel pictures....they just post wiki type article on the monuments and the pictures they post are like those like we used to read in school history books :|
Okay, since now we're talking, I can say that more than 90% of my blog's content (textual) is original. About the remaining <10% that's taken from other sources, it's because this <10% includes tables of data, that is available in public domain from sources like Wikipedia and US Dept. of Agriculture, and this is the information that I don't/can't create on my own, so, have to copy from these sources. Other than that, all photos on my blog are 100% original, self clicked photographs, nothing taken from anywhere.
I write Original stuff but can't claim 100% coz you know, inspirations.
Count me in too - 2.5 years of blogging, only produced 39 posts, Yet it took blog's popularity way above any estimated thoughts. Because I believe in originality and quality of each post.
Do you really thaink anyone who does, will come forward and admit?
Just counting the bloggers who say they are genuine
Ideas and concepts are there for anyone to pick them up... in fact, God is happy to see his ideas getting transformed into words.
It is the way an idea is expressed that can be our own. Unlike God, we are possessive about the way we have expressed God's concept... and fight with those we believe have copied.
I have seen many established names picking up even travelogues from other travel bloggers. Has happened with one of my friend. They admitted and deleted after he posted at their social media pages, but google will take another 10 years to clear the pages from it's history.
By the way.. all my content is indeed original and experienced firsthand. :)
I only do unique content. Content scrapers aren't bloggers, really, are they?
My stuff is original... to a fault! ;)
I've always posted original content, and whenever anything that has been copied has been given the due credit. :)
My blog is mostly on nostalgia and personal can never be plagiarised....the original copy