How many of you post original content on your blogs

Sangeeta Reghu
Sangeeta Reghu
from Delhi
13 years ago

I am really curious to know how many bloggers really write original content .. i was reading a very popular blog recently and to my utter shock the blog owner had reproduced the same content from another blog. 

Replies 41 to 60 of 82 Descending
Neeraj Rawat
Neeraj Rawat
from Delhi
13 years ago

@Sangeeta Reghu


I write all my content on my own and everything is original but as its a technical blog on how to articles  many things are there over the internet like how to install windows xp,vista or other etc but I never done a thing like learning from another blog and reproducing on my own.I have been working in tech support for quite a long time so whatever I post is my daily job work but I dont get time to post on my blog lolz

But as I write everything including creating the screenshots from first step till last it takes a long time in creating a post sometime upto 6 hours as its not just the copy paste or altered stuff from the existing net stuff.


Madhur Chadha
Madhur Chadha
from Hyderabad
13 years ago

somehow whenevr i see this thread i am amused to reply

"i always copy,am i supposed to write original?" :P..

Noone would particularly agree to copying :) .

But yes ppl copy, especially in technical blogs, many articles are reproduction of MSDN and technet articles.

Sangeeta Reghu
from Delhi
12 years ago

Madhur - I do hope you know indiblogger takes the issue of plagiarism very seriously ... i not against copying but with due credits ... 

from Pune
13 years ago

Most of the content I have on my blog is original. However, for the Photography tutorials, sometimes I take photographs from the internet. 

Debajyoti Ghosh
Debajyoti Ghosh
from Silchar
12 years ago

is this thread still active?  i have noticed that the same forwarded stories are being posted on different blogs.  Now, forwarded stuffs are something that probably do not fall under original content.  moreover, one of those blogs using articles from other sites as well.  not sure if he is authorized to do that.

Dr.Hemant Mittal
Dr.Hemant Mittal
from Mumbai
12 years ago

i do both.

as my blog is releated to health, motivation and psychology.. most of my stuff is inspired by patients i meet.

and sometimes i take and post a lot of relevant information from other blogs/websites.. but make a point to mention it.


I have suffered from plagarism were people have even published some of my original articles in national magazines, citing them as their original pieces..

guess once you post online you have to learn to accept that until its not protected your content is open to all.


Debajyoti Ghosh
from Silchar
12 years ago

my contents are protected (to an extent) but it's really annoying to see people using contents from other sources without giving them due credit or taking permission from them.

blogging can be fun and people are free to write whatever they want but copying contents/ideas is an entirely different thing and should never be tolerated.

Shalu Sharma
Shalu Sharma
from Patna, Delhi
12 years ago

Indeed something like this is not on. 

umashankar pandey
umashankar pandey
from Bhopal
12 years ago

I'd rather burn in fire

than roll on someone else's tyre!

Debajyoti Ghosh
from Silchar
12 years ago

Laughing  ha ha, this is cool.

Sangeeta Reghu
from Delhi
12 years ago

Deb - ethically they should not be :) but I love what Uma has said ... 

Debajyoti Ghosh
from Silchar
12 years ago

i have removed one of my regular visitors from my network today when I realized that most of his contents are copied from other sources.  reported this to indi team but i have serious doubts whether they will actually do anything about it.

Sangeeta Reghu
from Delhi
12 years ago

Deb i am sure indipolice will be looking into it .. mail renie .. atleast will be off the indi network ... 

Micky Fernandez
Micky Fernandez
from Kolkata
12 years ago

I am really curious to know how many bloggers really write original content .. i was reading a very popular blog recently and to my utter shock the blog owner had reproduced the same content from another blog.

A few days ago I came across a blog that was virtually nothing more than copies of Wikipedia articles.

My blog is somewhere in the middle. My blog is about my observations and experiences of being an expat in India, so it has to be original content for that. However, I have a monthly Government as Criminals post that is nothing more than links to newspaper articles (along with minimal comments by me).

Debajyoti Ghosh
from Silchar
12 years ago

i guess, posting link is fine.  it's not violation of copyright act.  you are giving them credit plus a link back.

Sachin Arya
Sachin Arya
from Pilani
12 years ago

Absolutely original...all content on my blog comes straight from the heart..probably thats why no one reads it Laughing...


Debajyoti Ghosh
from Silchar
12 years ago

ha ha ha.  i am reading; now Laughing

umashankar pandey
umashankar pandey
from Bhopal
12 years ago

@ Sangeeta Raghu: 'i am sure indipolice will be looking into it'

Are you sure they have a Police too?

Mohini Puranik
Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
12 years ago

The poems, articles etc. whatever I write, discuss, debate on forums etc....everything is based on the emotions, the storms I have and I am living. And my nature is much senti, which reflects in posts, or poems or on my face....I can't hide that.  I have one post written combined by me, Simran and Geeta and one post by Mr. Amitabh Jha as the winner of patriotic poetry contest arrenged on my blog, with his permission. Also, most of my articles, poems are spiritual. The difference between spirituality lived and spirituality based on reading books is easily noticable. This difference is noticed on spiritual leaders' behaviour also. The bloggers who write original content, are expressive about their thoughts spontaneously, because they have the habit to share their thoughts. I have found some people on FB, who write on almost any topic, but they never discuss in comments, with that knowledge, why?  

Shashiprakash Saini
Shashiprakash Saini
from Navimumbai
12 years ago

मै कवि हु बस कविता करता हू  लाऊ कैसे दर्द खुशी उधार की  रोना है हसना है  असल मेरी हर रचना है  ज़िंदगी कोई झूठ पे कैसे जिये आईने दिखा देते है असली सूरत कब तक आइनो से बचे  दुनिया का हर शख्स आईना है कब तक किससे कितना छुपोगे नकाब ओड़ोगे या आईना तोड़ोगे      जिस दिन अपनी नज़ारो से गिरे फिर कैसे जियोगे  झूठ की इटे झूठ की दीवार  झूठ का महल  जब नीव ही खोखली होगी इमारत कब तक टिकेगी जब सच बरसेगा पानी बनकर या हवाओ मे आयेगा झूठ के दस सर भी कम पड़ेंगे जब सच पुर्षोतम होजाएगा  तीर चलाएगा झूठ तास का महल ढह जाएगा असली चेहरो मे घूमो असली बात करो         बंदर भी करलेता है नकल अच्छी अंदर का बंदर किसी दिन उस्तरा गले पे घूमा देगा सर न बचेगा ऐसे न हालात करो इंसान ही रहो बंदर न बनो असली चेहरा दिखाओ असली बात करो : शशिप्रकाश सैनी 

Debajyoti Ghosh
Debajyoti Ghosh
from Silchar
12 years ago

And he continues to copy-paste.  I guess, nothing is going to happen.  Is it ok if i paste those links here?

Sangeeta Reghu
from Delhi
12 years ago

yes go ahead name and shame .. that's the best thing to do ... 

Debajyoti Ghosh
Debajyoti Ghosh
from Silchar
12 years ago

okie, this is his post:

and here is the original content:


another one which he posted couple of days back:

and here is the source:


check and let me know if i am wrong.  all his posts are either fully copied or partially copied.

umashankar pandey
from Bhopal
12 years ago

I have come across a few more by him. Excuse me for not scouring and pasting the links, I am lazier than those geeks at Indiblogger!

Debajyoti Ghosh
from Silchar
12 years ago

i hope  they don't call me a villain again Surprised

Sangeeta Reghu
Sangeeta Reghu
from Delhi
12 years ago

I have sent this forward to the team hope they look into this matter ...

Debajyoti Ghosh
from Silchar
12 years ago

thanks Sangeeta :)

Debajyoti Ghosh
from Silchar
12 years ago

They have deactivated his profile.  Found one more:

everything copied from wikipedia

Anupama K. Mazumder
Anupama K. Mazumder
from New Delhi
12 years ago

My God. I am new to this thread.. and was in for a shock!

I write original stuff, for sure.. coz its my personal blog. Tongue out. Thats it.

I dont understand why one needs to borrow someone else's work and pass off as theirs... but this happens, I know, and cant make sense out of it. Giving a  back-link to the original post is so much easier, if at all you need to refer.


pramod arora
pramod arora
from gurgaon
12 years ago

Well, most of the problems in this world are created by people who are(at least they think they are) overly educated & skilled...And,the irony is that they think protocols in place are not strong enough to catch them young. Poor fella....

On the other hand, simple living combined with high thinking(creative, innovation) takes one to success. 

God bless all 

Vineet Digga
Vineet Digga
from Kolkata
12 years ago

I get inspired by people. I sometimes write on the same topic as they have written, like I had once written on IPL [bashed it, when I saw it was okay as some other people did it as well]. But just that. Why would you blog when YOU have nothing to say? I have always thought this as the best medium to have an identity. And will never copy. 

Gunjan R Sonar
Gunjan R Sonar
from Nasik
12 years ago

My blog having unique as well as original content because its technical blog  Cool

Priyaa Arora
Priyaa Arora
from New Delhi
12 years ago

Every Post on my blog is completely original.... :-)  I hate when people when people copy other's work..or steal...steal is a better word.....If you write somebodyelse's words then its a respoansibilty to give links....Credit must be given to the original author-poet-writer-blogger-whatsover!!!

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