Is winning contests greed? Should I stop competing because I have won few contes

Farida Rizwan
Farida Rizwan
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Finally after few hate mails I got hate comment on my blog today.... This is what it says--- 

You seem to write only for contests and winning prizes. Your greed is making me respect you less and less with each passing day.Write your heart out just for the sake of venting out someday. That feels good too. 

The much learned coward did not leave a name behind though. I would love somebody to come forward and tell it out in open so that I can answer that individual.

I have 200 posts on my blog, who could claim they were done for contests? If I win a contest and lose the anonymous respect, I would sure lose the respect rather than the contest Wink. Somehow I thought it was contrary, you win and you win respect. 

Competitions and contest are for showing your worth and winning. I do not relate to all the contests, but when I do, I write for them. Blogging is what I do; if I get recognized and appreciated in it, I feel happy and proud. Where does greed come in here? I am not stealing food being distributed for free.

 I don't go around begging for votes or comments for my blog. One of the reason why my top voted post on Indivine is not from blogging contest. It is about my experience of going through cancer. 

I have written in competitions where there are no prizes to be won on different platforms and won them too. Just because money is invovled here it doesn't change anything for me.. it may change something for those who are greedy. I try to win because I love to win. Be it blogging competition, my exams, cancer, quizzes, sudoku and any other challenge. My aim is to try my best and leave the results to God. I don't go around judging the judges and winners if I lose. 

If my tiny winning of few blogs points to greed than what would the great great achievements of Sachin, Lata, Amitabh and many such great personalities be dubbed as? 

People don't stop and let you win Anonymous, you need to prove your worth and achieve something.

You have to know that when they don't win, good people become better, unworthy people become bitter.


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Varun Gawarikar
Varun Gawarikar
from Manama
12 years ago

Not a single thing wrong about mentioning your kids. I have been a mother to a small pup myself and have blogged proudly about it. Because I am proud of her, She has grown up awesomely and does awesome things which I feel sharing with people. You must be too (proud of your children) and hence blogged about it. Not a single thing wrong about it and that does not make anyone a bad human being. 

Don't take hate mails too seriously. Hate mails (Esp anonymous) are signs of weakness themselves.  You need to concentrate on a new contest that may come up now :)



Farida Rizwan
from Bangalore
12 years ago

I love both my kids equally. I blog a lot about my son, recently there have been many posts of him. I miss him a lot. This is the first time he has been away from home, but somehow it is my daughter who gets noticed. Weird people with weird thoughts Laughing. Thanks for the support.

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Unless you appreaciate others success, you can never succeed in life. When you hate someone, its ought to rebound. I really feel sorry for Annonymous.

Do not hurt your heart or belittle your soul Farida ji for such comments/mails. No thing in the world can trample the light of genuinity, honesty and truth.. let alone such malices as jealousy and bitterness.

Please continue doing what you are doing in the very same manner that you are doing it.

You are one of the best here, one of my favorites and i wish you win many more contests in the future! Smile

Farida Rizwan
from Bangalore
12 years ago

What you say is right Arti, but I have noticed in comments and blogs too that few indibloggers are happy about not winning contests, or we can say they are not happy about same bloggers winning the contests. I am used that feeling when I was in school ;)

Thanks for the compliments. You are one blogger I admire a lot. 

from delhi
12 years ago

advice is free, and people likes to give it...most of the time anonamously...we all got our fair share of it...thinking about some of the comments i had in my post this comment looks decent Tongue out

like you said, this anon is a why do you care?  ppl like them exists everywhere, better to ignore...that's what i do (another free advise) Smile....

Farida Rizwan
from Bangalore
12 years ago

I can guess. You express your thoughts in a unique way and it would be tough for many people to look at the truth you hold to their face.  I have to ignore him, what option do I have. Even if the intention is to hurt my feelings, how long will the hurt last? No person you do not love can hurt you emotionally.. my experience. 

Thanks for the support.

from hyderabad
12 years ago

One need not care for the words spoken by those who aren't dare enough to show their faces. The prizes that you have won till date are an appreciation of your talent and it is not greed in any way. And the hate mails and the comments are an indication that you are rising higher and higher. Keep Smiling! Smile

Farida Rizwan
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Thanks Ranjith. BTW taking your advice, I have started creating pictures for my blogs. They may not be very good but they are mine and makes my mind feel free. 

from hyderabad
12 years ago

 I really wonder how you have mastered the art of drawing pictures with the mouse (that hardlyobeys my instructions) on the virtual canvas. The picture drawn for the KFC contest did look great....

Farida Rizwan
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Which one are you talking about? One of them, the one with snakes is done using software... the rest with Microsoft paint. How? Patience Ranjith patience ;)

Farida Rizwan
from Bangalore
12 years ago

opppss I forgot that there are 3 posts for that.. Most of my pictures are done on Microsoft paint and then given proper touch by my son who is doing Animation. The smiley types are made using software. 

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
12 years ago

this came to me as a shock! I am sure it is one of those rouges who could not stand loosing all the time. Everyone else have already shared the same emotions that I feel like sharing. So good luck for future contests, and keep blogging :) 

Farida Rizwan
from Bangalore
12 years ago
Thanks.. When I started the thread, I did not have the idea that it would be lopsided in such a way, but this goes to show that there is just one or may 6 rotten fishes in Indiblogger. 
Vivek Sheel
Vivek Sheel
from New Delhi
12 years ago

Dear Farida Ji,

You are a fighter and you believe in proving yourself everyday. Very recently one fellow blogger suggested me to watch porn, the other commented trash without reading the original post. No point getting perturbed by comments like these.

Do you think seasoned bloggers like you need to bother ??If you get tempted to respond back you have allowed him/her to invade your personal space and hurt you.

Elephants walk and Dogs bark !!

Farida Rizwan
Farida Rizwan
from Bangalore
12 years ago
You Are right Vivek. I was assuming that this how most of the bloggers were feeling. One of the reason why I brought it out non indiblogger forum. Somehow no one has openly said here that it is wrong of me to enter contests...therefore I don't feel bad anymore. ;). Our personal space is not in very strong fortress, we tend to allow others to invade it. No one immune to it.
Mohini Puranik
Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
12 years ago

They hate me because they love me....:)!

People will wish you all the success, but when you get it, they start hating you! :)

Sorry : I don't remember the names of the people who gave these thoughts....:(

Farida Rizwan
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Whoever gave it to you.. are wise people. Thanks Mohinee.

Kristy Kumari
Kristy Kumari
from Amritsar
12 years ago

There are rude people everywhere, that's why I recently changed my blog name and URL. I think it's safe to assume that very few of our readers read every single post. However, I wish those people who didn't bother to read at least half of them wouldn't make unreasonable assumptions and then post negative comments to us. Now, I don't know about your niche but in mine there are 2 or 3 trolls who make the rounds between me and other bloggers in my niche and they only post hateful comments. It's best to just ignore them and then they go away. You don't have to keep reading their remarks. Install a platform like Disqus and it will let you block them by username, IP address and such so you don't have to keep seeing it when you get rude remarks like that.

Farida Rizwan
from Bangalore
12 years ago

I am sorry that someone has been posting hateful comments on your wonderful blog. It is sad that you had to change your URL. 

I actually misunderstood that this could be the feeling going around most of the Indibloggers, which is the reason I gave a thought to it. One person's feelings and thoughts cannot be attended to by every blogger. 

Good luck to you on your new blog.. Let me check this one out. 

Farida Rizwan
Farida Rizwan
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Just wondering whether I should participate in Kissan contest... Not feeling too good to come up with a post at present but then there is so much time left. 

from Kharagpur, west bengal
12 years ago

Farida JI!!!! congos over another win-win!!!!!!!!!! and OF COURSE you must participate in the Kissan contest too!!! waiting for your post :)

Farida Rizwan
Farida Rizwan
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Great contest topics brought wonderful memories back in my mind, so I am in the game again. So that answers my own question. I shouldn't stop participating in contests just because I won few of them,neither should I stop when I lose few. Defintely it will be a time to stop when the contest says the winner will be with highest number of votes, likes or comments. Tongue out

Win or lose, I know those posts are something close to my heart and I am pleased I created it. 

The contests on Indiblogger are so tempting, plus they also bring out such wonderful stories from people. I have read five great blogs today under expedia contest, just hesitating to mention it on forum because it would look like I am promoting friends. Glad to know that there are wonderful and wise people around the world who can strike a chord in our hearts even though we do not know them. Others have met them and shared their stories in such a way that I have learned something from them. 


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