Niladri Mitra would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 25

Looking for criticism (hopefully positive)

Niladri Mitra
Niladri Mitra
from Kolkata
12 years ago

Deals with some humor... usually sarcastic, and lots of gloomy and depressing (call it depressed) short pieces that I prefer to classify as 'thought provoking' . The remaining posts (results of not being moody or jovial enough... stuck somewhere in between) are attempted aticles. Poetry as well prose... depending on how much time I had in hand while composing.

Edited 12 years ago
Reason: Typo error(s)... :/
Replies 1 to 4 of 4
Madhur Chadha
Madhur Chadha
from Hyderabad
12 years ago

HI Niladri, Liked what you write ,  especially teh way you put stiff like about me , current state etc

One thing that i am not sure of is  font, though it seems to be the USP of your blog, makes your blog look different ,but somehow it was a little dificult to read for me. 

It strained my eyes a little, maybe you could play around with a bit of color, tone down the white or increase the letter spacing.This is just my opinion, i am sure some people might love it

Another point is current state, interseting concept but would look better if its updated daily, see when you say current status and its date is 10 days old , it feels like i am entering a  room which has not been entered since 10 days.This thing works only if its fresh, it can give someone a good feeling tha you were just here,or maybe still are. Sort of helps connect with the author

thats my 2 cents

Niladri Mitra
Niladri Mitra
from Kolkata
12 years ago

Thanks Madhur,

It's a relief to finally get some feedback (i was considering changing the profile name to something a lot more feminine and see if that got better results). I appreciate the suggestions... and i'll definitely incorporate them.

The current state... i had actually meant it to be there so that there was at least some change to make for me on a daily basis.... never realized how that faded to such a lower priority. I'll get back to maintaining it again.

I'll experiment with a few other fonts and go for one that's a little easier on the eyes too.



Madhur Chadha
from Hyderabad
12 years ago

hahaha the feminie thing could work ;)

I know it can get frustating to not get any reviews...many factors come into play such as time of posting etc:).......For reviews i generally search for topics with no reply and try to reply to ones which are a few days old, so my ideas are not influenced by other users and also gives me a fresh perpective and ideas for my blog too :)...some people havent got reviews for month and i assueme they would have given up  , sadly thats how online forum works sort of luck :)


Let me know when you do incorporate any changes, would love to see what you do :)


Niladri Mitra
Niladri Mitra
from Kolkata
12 years ago

That does sounds like a nice thing to do.

Let's see, perhaps I'll try doing something similar as well... (with the hope of 'quid pro quo' coming into play and people returning the favor by revewing 'Scribbles...' in turn... damn i am self-centred :P)

i already changed the font, like you suggested. hopefully the new one, while still keeping to the theme, is 'easier on the eyes'... (hmm... i never thought i'd use that expression with respect to blogging... oh well). Would appreciate your views (and anyone else's who might be reading this) as always.

BTW... i was going through 'Mr. Unreasonable' a while back and i have to say... i really love your sense of humor. Feel free to dole out any bit of advice regarding my writing too...


from Chennai
12 years ago

I have a feminine name and have not been getting any replied for the past couple of month at all on indi forum. I wonder why. Hmmm.

Anyway, on your blog, I don't know if you changed the font but I'm very comfy with the font now (in case you did change it) and I have severe power so the size is very helpful for me. 

I like how you give short previews of each post (your blog template most likely) so that i can start reading and then decided if I wanna move on or not but I don't miss anything in case it's too long. 

And I'm enjoying your posts. Excuse me whle I add to network so I can keep track of your posts. :-D 

Niladri Mitra
Niladri Mitra
from Kolkata
12 years ago

@Kofykat- Thanx man... feels good to be complimented (*raises the collar*).

I know what you mean about the connectivity issues. I am facing the same problem... both while I am logged in and when I am not. I did some extensive googling for a possible cause of whats going wrong, but so far... nothing.

Like they say... bear with me while I sort out the technicalities.

@Madhur- ROFL... satire website eh? Well... considering the extent to which I enjoy and appreciate that noblest of talents... keep it flowing. :D

@Every other prospective reviewer- See? THIS is proof that i'll be taking your suggestions seriously... now please review my blog....?