Shankar Raman would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 25

Take a look and review my technology blog

Shankar Raman
Shankar Raman
from Chennai
12 years ago
My blog features tips and opinions on gadgets, windows, ios and android. I also post mock up re-designs of popular software and also write my opinions on various things that happen in the tech world.
Replies 1 to 1 of 1
Madhur Chadha
Madhur Chadha
from Hyderabad
12 years ago

not too much to review,could look better with better home page design, better usage of side bar, top bar .

No way to navigate to archive

maybe you could use sub categories to better organize your blog,or maybe increase them. Its difficult to fathom what exactly is teh niche of your blog


Look and feel wise, i really liked the pleasing to eye fonts and clean look

Just my opinion ;)