Labels not showing up?

from Mumbai
12 years ago

I have checked the 'Labels' option in my blog layout settings to show below each of my blog posts. But inspite of that, labels do not show up. What else do I need to do so that all post labels appear whenever I publish a new post.

Also, does showing labels/tags for each post in any way beneficial? Like does it help drive traffic to your internal pages and are there any other uses of it as well? Is it a good feature to be used?

Replies 1 to 6 of 6 Ascending
umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

I felt with long list of labels the site loading used to slow down, and since blogspot is also introducing so many changes, it is bound to restrict labelling i suppose.  I have removed the label option, which lead guys to copy post too.

from Mumbai
12 years ago

But some widgets are necessary Umeshji, labels does help you even with people coming from google search engines and all as Dhiraj and many others have pointed out above. To remove it citing slowing down of site as the reason, am really not sure how wise a thing it is to go ahead with. I am sure there can be some negatives but the positives are far more in the equation... that is my humble opinion, Umeshji Smile

Dhiraj Shenoy
Dhiraj Shenoy
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Is the problem solved @ arti .

1 main reason for labels easy categorization of posts - so you can add all similar type of posts to certain label .  It gives easy option for reader to select the label which is of their interest rather than going through all your post , trust me nobody has that patience to go through all your post if he/she is looking for certain specific item.

Blogger Dashboard - Layout- Blogposts (Edit)-Post page options here there various option which one can choose . Just check this . Hopefully it should work 


from Mumbai
12 years ago

Many Thanks Dhiraj.

Yes, I have that widget in the right sidebar area -'Labels tag cloud' and I do categorize my posts too under them.

But the problem is in the post footer section. Like for ex. your latest post has this at the end of the post below...

....Posted by Team G Square ...

Labels: Bangalore weekend getaways, Hoysala, Karnataka one state many wonders

I dont know how much are these labels are useful in that area, but still felt like adding it anyways. I have checked the relevant boxes too as said by you but it is still not showing up. Have no clue, how blogger works sometimes..

Dhiraj Shenoy
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Have you contacted the blogger team via Send feedback , try it once .  I think they are useful atleast i have used it many ocassion on various blogs . So there is no harm in having it .

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Yes, even I was thinking on similar lines. Have seen it on most blogs, so no harm.

Will give them a complaint via feedback. From where is this feedback needs to be given? I mean where should I find that option, have never done that before.

Dhiraj Shenoy
from Bangalore
12 years ago

There is a small tab on RHS bottom of your screen called send feedback in new blogger interface .

Dhiraj Shenoy
from Bangalore
12 years ago

best part is there is option of taking multiple screen shots of your problem ,so that they can resolve easily .

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Done! Smile Lets see if they do something about this.

from Mumbai
12 years ago
It shows for me and I think its a very good feature as people can read similar posts by clicking on the labels from below the post. I have no clue why it does not appear for you even after you have checked that box... Maybe template issues as others have pointed out...
from hyderabad
12 years ago

I wonder if anyone follows the links in the labels area to read similar posts. Adding a labels widget would be of much better help....

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Yet something that can be another topic of discussion.. Have you ever clicked to access posts from the labels displayed beneath the published post section? As far as I am concerned, I never have.
from Mumbai
12 years ago
Yet something that can be another topic of discussion.. Have you ever clicked to access posts from the labels displayed beneath the published post section? As far as I am concerned, I never have.
from Mumbai
12 years ago
Yet something that can be another topic of discussion.. Have you ever clicked to access posts from the labels displayed beneath the published post section? As far as I am concerned, I never have.
from Mumbai
12 years ago
Oops, gosh.. mobile version :P
from Mumbai
12 years ago
I already have a labels widget in my side bar but I still think that having labels in the post footer is a good thing!!
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Yep DS, as Dhiraj says there is no harm in having it, have sent a feedback to these guys.. let's see if this can get resolved.

from hyderabad
12 years ago

It is the reverse with me. I have unchecked the labels box but still they keep showing up beneath each of my blog post. Labels might help in telling search engines what a post is about in some exception cases. For example if you write a post about Jaipur but use the phrase ''Pink city'' throughout your post to refer to it, then mentioning Jaipur in the labels can help a bit. Labels were helpful in the initial days when search engines needed to know what a web page deals with. But since people were misusing it, labels no long played a role in the above purpose. Labels can act as categories and help you to sort out your posts and present to your users. For example, you can add labels to each of your posts that specifies the name of the state in which the place you are describing about is loacted. And in your right hand bar, you can add these labels so that any user who wishes to know more about tourist locations in a particular state can click that link. I think that you have alraedy added this gadget to your blog. Labels might also help search on your blog more efficient, though I am not sure of it. Personally I don't like displaying labels but I did not find a way to get rid of them.

from Mumbai
12 years ago

I have a question here. Will it not be enough to label a post while publishing? Is it necessary to show them above or below each post also so that search engines can find them?

from hyderabad
12 years ago

Even I have no idea about it. Need to check it up.

from hyderabad
12 years ago

I think that we need to show the labels because opening the page source for one of my blog posts and searching for the word labels, I found that the only place it appeared was in the source code for those lines where the labels were displayed which might most probably mean that if the labels are turned off, search engines cannot index them.

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Thanks for your detailed reply Ranjith, very much appreaciated Smile Yes, i do categorize my posts and have that widget in the RHS bar.

So, finally what do you suggest, should i go for a template change to include the labels below each of my posts, are these helpful in searches? If the answer is yes, only then I will go for a template change? Otherwise i am dropping it...

from hyderabad
12 years ago

Even I have no idea about it. Posted the same question on Blogger Help forum here: Hope that even my problem of removing those labels will get solved Smile

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Good work Ranjith! We are yet to get a reply there, but still thanks much. I am still waiting with it then. :-)
from Mumbai
12 years ago

We have an answer there Ranjith....

....not very sure what the person is trying to say, he sounds quite confused himself Innocent

from Mumbai
12 years ago
True that, quite a haphazard reply...
from Bengaluru
12 years ago

OK.. Lets see, I'm not a blogspot expert in any way Innocent hmm.. labels. aren't they those ittybitty things in the post footer.. yeah.. I think so Smile  I'd say to try and change to another tmeplate Laughing the blogger designer made templates have this tendency to not reflect the layout changes at times. Has happened to me before.

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Yes, yes those very ittybitties.. Another template.. hmm, calls for a lot of work Undecided Who makes these blogger templates Yell

Then, i guesss i shud better do away with the labels thingy and let it remain the way it is now unless they have some use in SEO and all Innocent

from hyderabad
12 years ago

That's calls me to create a template which doesn't have all these problems after I learn HTML and all other necessary stuff. Too many things lined up.... Cool

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Brilliant :D Then, I would love to get a customised one made for me :-)
umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Labels help in searching out one's own blog from multiple blogs, secondly it helps in search engine i presume and finally it helps in categorisation of blogs.  Are you referring to blogspot label or Indiblogger labelling.  I believe beyond a particular number of labels blogspot might be having a constraint.  Here at Indi, it may not be so, since it is limited.  I find your travel blog may not be labelled while posting, since your number of posts are not adding up at Indi, anyways other techies can give you better ans Smile

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Umesh sir, I think she is talking about showing labels under posts. For example Posted under a, b, c.

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Yes, ani is right. Which posts are not adding up Umeshji?

And yes, blogspot does have constraints on the number of labels we can use.

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