Speech v/s Writing?

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Which mode of expression are you more comfortable with?

As far as I am concerned, I don’t like speaking in public. I can say that speaking/conversing is something that does not come so naturally to me and I tend to be more of a listener and an observer than a talker. Instead, I think I can do a better job with a pen and a paper in hand and definitely prefer the written medium over the verbal one. Here, I can always pause for any amount of time till I have gathered the right words for articulating my views and thoughts and expressing myself in the appropriate manner.

I am sure; everyone here has a preference too. What about you? Are you a better orator or a writer or do you excel in both the forms? Do share your opinions here! Smile

Replies 1 to 15 of 15 Ascending
Anunoy Samanta
Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
12 years ago

Now this topic is intensifying my itch to search some useful ebook from torrent sites about how to master speech in public Embarassed

from Kharagpur
12 years ago

I am good with speeches only if I know the topic beforehand :P Or atleast 10 minutes beforehand. Otherwise I can get jittery (read - I panic like a darn ferret). But usually, I am okay with speeches and speaking in front of a public. Been the state runners-up in Debating Matters India :D Although I did freak out before the debate. Still, it was a high.

Aah well...I do chatter a lot...so... :P

But yes, I am much better off writing. It is like completing a breath for me.


from Bangalore
13 years ago

In my many attempts at public speaking, I realized it was always the public who did most of the talking...

And then when I got into writing,  none of the public seem to care...

Maybe I should try sky diving next....


Vishal Kataria
from Thane
13 years ago

LOLLaughing Raj! Maybe you're looking to reach out to the wrong set of people!

from Mumbai
13 years ago


from Chennai
12 years ago

LoL. Good one. I am experiencing the same reaction for the writing part :D

from Mumbai
12 years ago
from Chennai
13 years ago

I have come a long way in both forms of communciation. I was booed out from the stage when I first tried my hand at public speaking at school. I vowed I will win the same competition before leaving school and did it. Filmy, right? ;) From then on there has been no looking back and I am comfortable in addressing any size of gathering, have taken even workshops in public speaking :D (cue: inspirational oscar winning music :D)

And I used to think I was good with writing till I entered college and saw how well others could express themselves. I, infact, started to blog and pen down my thoughts while I started my career after engineering. Sole purpose was to improve my writing skills. Been over 5 years and I know that there are miles to go before I sleep. :)

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Nice to know your story, Shankar. Its inspiring in many ways, actuallly.. And 5 yrs of blogging is just wow! Thanks for sharing :)

Vishal Kataria
Vishal Kataria
from Thane
13 years ago

Stage fright is a natural tendancy. Even the father of Hard Rock music, Ozzbourne says he goes through it before every show after doing 1000s of shows Laughing. And a common saying goes that the "man giving a eulogy would rather be in the coffin!" That's why the term 'Die of Stage Fright!'


I am more comfortable speaking; partly because I lack the flair most of you have when it comes to writing and partly because it's easier to keep the audience involved when speaking. I've got a lot of ideas, examples, anecdotes and points bursting in my head, which become hard to pen while writing without boring the reader. A speech, on the other hand, gives you the chance to connect with your audience through examples which they can relate to.



from Mumbai
13 years ago

I guess, its more of a personal preference. But you can always give examples and anecdotes in your writitngs as well. But yeah, writing is more expansive and you can connect faster if you have the relevant skillset.

And your confidence in speaking is well reflected in your posts too Vishal, as an audience of your blog I can vouch for that. Cheers! Laughing

from Mumbai
12 years ago
You are right when you say that stage fright is a natural occurance. But once on stage these greats transform themselves completely and forget about the people in front of them.
from Kharagpur, west bengal
13 years ago

quite comfortable with speeches, extempores, exhibitions, debates and stuff becuase have been participating sice i was in primary school, but when it comes to making "small talk" with ppl, i am at a loss of words :P 

i become inadvertently shy during such moments, and being a "chatterbox" as ppl know me to be, doesnt help :P :P

and writing? just one thing- it is everything i am...


from Bengaluru
13 years ago

Yes. Agree with that last point. It is everything that you are. Smile

Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Hhahaha!! Gosh! Even though I have done speeches still now I'm not comfortable with itTongue out.Gotta Agree with you on small talkCool. Same PinchTongue outTongue out.

I love the last pointSmile. Shows your dedication towards writingCool.(not as if it wasn't there beforeTongue out

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Loved the last line too :)

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Writing is something by which you express yourself beautifully.
from Kharagpur
12 years ago

Correct yourself - when it comes to making 'small talk' with strangers, you are shy :P Because otherwise, you know, we talk a bit too much.

And you are awesome with the bhaashans. :D And writing...you are wonderful at that, I don't even need to say that. I mean I read the A-K story so I know. :D

from Kharagpur, west bengal
12 years ago

well yeah... Lol :P a bit toooooooooooooooooooo much :P :P

and look who is saying. Debating matters wala bhool gayi kya??? now WHO is awesome with the bhashans?? :)

and writing... you are wonderful too you know. I am trying not to get pissed about the fact that you never gave me to read that short story you had started...

(please ab "Tu kya bol rahi hai haan... TU??" mat shuru kar... please :P :P :D :P)

and the A-K story... still cant get over the names and characters yaar... :P

from Mumbai
12 years ago
You 2 are 2 much :P
Pooja Pradeep
Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Ever since a little girl I have been giving Speeches on stageSurprised. But even now I haven't lost the fright I get as soon as I go up on a stage and have to speak in front of so many peopleSurprised. Last Time, I had to do a seminar in front of my princi.. I thought I would faintTongue out. But all this is professional. When it comes to personal, I'm an Introvert. I can't speak up what I feel. I tend to shy away and prefer to left alone as I don't talk much. 

But when I'm writing its different for me. I can express anything and everything. Its really easier and I don't have to fear anyone. Another thing is that, when I'm writing, I can think about what I write carefully and try to express it in different ways possible. Its not possible while I'm talking.

So, I prefer writing than talking. Pen is mightier than the swordCool. Oh! How I love that proverbKissTongue outEmbarassed.

from Mumbai
13 years ago

^ Ditto! You took letters from my keyboard Cool And all the smileys too Tongue outWink

Just that I am not even half as good in expresing myself in writing as you are! Smile

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Giving speeches ever since you were a kid? You want to become a politician kya???
Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
13 years ago

@DeediHahahahaSealedTongue out.Aaahaa! I don't believe that nowWink.I've seen the post you have written for that 26 hours a day topicSealed.You are really great at itWink . You just dont knowTongue out

Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
13 years ago


lol! Yeessh!! Not a politicianYell.I'm just used to itTongue out. Teachers pull me out cause I talk too muchTongue outTongue out 

from Bengaluru
13 years ago

Oh I don't know, Poooja Tongue out you'd make a fine organizer of political rallies na? Innocent

Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
13 years ago


You'll never stop, will ya?SurprisedFoot in mouth BTW. No I wontTongue outTongue out. Real bad at speaking out loudCryTongue out.

But, I'm sure you'll make a good oneTongue out. Right????Yell

from Bengaluru
13 years ago

Nah. You are the ORGANIZER YellCool always. 

Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Hahaha!! I'll organize and you give speechWink.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I now present you Mr.VinayTongue outTongue out

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
13 years ago

36 smileys overall !!! What is the Guniess book record for greatest number of smileys in a conversation?

from Mumbai
13 years ago
I think 36 should be right up there TF!!! Well done Pooja:)
Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Just 36?Surprised.

No wayTongue out. I have made a guiness record of posting a 100 smileys SOLELY in a 15 minute conversationCoolTongue out. Don't Underestimate me SMILEY AbilitiesSurprisedYellFoot in mouthTongue out

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Way to go!! May you keep smiling and breaking records:):):):):)
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Trust Pooja to make it colorful (more of yellows though Tongue out) wherever she goes! Cool

Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
13 years ago

@DSThanksInnocent. Hope I canTongue outTongue out

@KirtiAhan????SurprisedTongue out. Only if there were other color smileysYellFoot in mouthTongue out.

Mohini Puranik
Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
13 years ago

Love both jab tak ki koi mujhe movies ke baare me nahi poochta....:)! Waise I am honest to confess I have least knowledge in movies, cricket!

Still myself doesn't involve much in talking, until and unless anybody or people want to hear me!

from Mumbai
13 years ago

I am sure, there are hardly any who will not want to hear you out, given your waarm personna and friendliness! True Champ!! Smile

from Mumbai
13 years ago


umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Arti, i hope you will participate in Meetha dinner contest, may be first step to hear your own voice over telephone, call 1800 419 0707 toll free number and just state your reason for having a family dinner together :)Smile

from hyderabad
13 years ago

I prefer writing over speech and the simple reason is that I feel more comfortable holding the pen rather than looking into the eyes of the crowd who have huge expectations from every one moving onto the stage. I can pause and think of new ideas and edit what I have already written to make it more interesting (though I hardly do it) And finally, I can correct my typographical errors while writing/typing (whjich I opverlook moist of tghe tyime Smile )which isn't possible with pronounciation and other things while talking in front of the crowd.

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Same here Ranjith, but its not only a crowd, it could be a single person as well, anyone for that matter.

And yeah, thats quite a plus you pointed out.. typos Tongue out Sometimes, those silly little mistakes can really embarrass you when speaking with someone and can never be edited how much ever you wish to. Words once spoken can never be taken back while in written medium you always have the 'Edit' button!

Farida Rizwan
Farida Rizwan
from Bangalore
13 years ago
Since my childhood, I have always loved speaking my mind out. Never been uncomfortable speaking in public, in fact, I enjoy doing my workshops. When you write about a painful experience, people can read it and feel your pain to some extent but, they will be missing your body language, expressions, tone and above all your feelings. It is not always easy to say out loud what you want to, the reasons could vary. This is when writing comes in handy. Also written work is not perishable and reach more people. I am a passionate writer, it works as catharsis for me too. So there goes your question unanswered...
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Yes, each medium has it's beauty. You need to know how to use which, when and where.. effectively and wisely. You have rounded it all beautifully, Faridaji.

TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
13 years ago

I beleive speech is just a blog post with more mediums of expression such as eye contact, voice tone fluctuation, body movement etc. I used to be part of this group called Toastmasters club. There you are taken through 10 speeches where you cover one aspect in every speech and your peers give you feedback. You also have a mentor to practice and improve the speech with. Overall I found it a very interesting exercise. If you find an opportunity to join a toastmasters club, you must. It is possibly as much fun as blog.

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Yes, i agree. It is definitely an extension with some more features added as you have pointed out but there are some that are subtracted too.

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Though I have participated (and won quite a lot) in debates and quiz contests at the college but just before the event I would be very very nervous... I would drink lots of water and just stay away from the actual place of the event where students would throng in numbers... I always made my entry at the last moment... But once the competition starts you hardly notice the crowd... So I think I am comfortable with the pen more but face to face is not bad either:):)
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Started off in Indi pretty early in the New Year, eh? Did not party whole night?

from hyderabad
13 years ago

And what about you @ Fool Smile

from Mumbai
13 years ago
I slept at 10!! Its so cold here, I feel comfortable only in the blankets!!
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
13 years ago

@ Ranjith - I am a simple guy. No cool party animal.

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Its not only about the crowds DS, that I am talking about...

I agree most of us do have stage fright and all, but here i am more stressing on the fact that.. in which medium are you more comfortable in expressing yourself and your points clearly? - written as in blogging or oral as in discussions/conversations?

from Mumbai
13 years ago
I think both!! Though I would say that writing would be a tad bit better as we can think twice before shooting our mouths off!!!
from Bengaluru
13 years ago

Oh, I stammer too much in front of an audience Frown stage fright. Talking to people in a small group, I can manage Tongue out However, I prefer the pen and paper/keyboard, coz like you say, can think of what to say, or say it spontaneously. Cant type in a stammer, so thats a big advantage WinkInnocent

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Same here Frown  Yeah but even in the case of small groups, for me it takes time to open up except in some rare cases.. depending on how friendly and open the other person is and how warm i feel in his/her company Frown I somehow feel, I can always express myself a lot better while writing Smile

from Bengaluru
13 years ago

Er. you  can also express yourself a lot through your photography Innocent

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Yeah, Well pointed Leo.

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

I believe the art of public speaking needs a skill depending on the occasion, i have been giving speeches at product launches, review meetings, on corporate level and in social gatherings mostly in Alumni meets, Society etc.  But it is far easier to pen blogs and converse rather thann speech making.  It requires special skill to hold attention of the audience.  I feel one should attempt to express opinion, particularly if there is a channel debate or TV interviews.  Nowerdays lot happens, one can master the skill on extempore basis too Smile  I liked public speech in christian wedding wherein relatives sing praise of the bride and the groom, it is really class act.

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Yes Umeshji, I agree. It is definitely a skill that i admire too. Some people are blessed with it, some learn with time and some find it too difficult to inculcate that in their nature. Expression of opinion, as you say, certainly helps in that way.

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