Anyone used Cloudfare?

Madhur Chadha
Madhur Chadha
from Hyderabad
12 years ago

I was planning to use cloudfare for my personal website but while researching through forums ,some people suggested not to use it because it reduced the number of visitors to some sites drastically, maybe their ranking ws lowered by google

Also we need to change teh DNS and if i am not wrong, if you change your DNS setting you take a big hit on your page rank

Is that true?Has anybody used cloud fare and what has your experience been?


Replies 1 to 4 of 4 Ascending
from trivandrum
12 years ago

Nop it wont effect PR to my knowledge. 

"Changing the DNS will not affect pagerank. PR is calculated from the links pointing to your site so if your domain and URL's are staying the same that will not change.

The IP address sharing also should not matter - lots of people have shared hosting without a dedicated IP for their site. "

(note- this reply taken directly from Google help forum and posted by one of the experts out there )

Madhur Chadha
Madhur Chadha
from Hyderabad
12 years ago

Thanks for the reply,

I only wanted to use it to speed up my site load. I have my custom domain on Shared servers

@Verma My concern with page rak was because we are changing DNS , do you think that effects PR?

@Sorcerer Did you see any improvements in page load?

I am generally very cautious about changing DNS entries:)

The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Not really. I am using hostgator shared. The people whom I taken advice before using cloudflare had their own VPN servers. According to what they say if its Indian hosting then latency might be an issue. DNS is fine, I had issues with MXRecord and CNAME since I use the domain for my email as well.

from trivandrum
12 years ago

Yes i'm using Cloudflare for 2 of my sites.  Its doing a prity good job till now. It helps to reduce server load( in my case) and also ensure fast availability of my sites.

I never agree that it will effect rankings, as using here CDN you can improve the page speed and deleiever fast contents and thus increase pagerank.

Also note to play with the settings in Cloudflare to get optimal performance. ( like you can use to lower the challenge period for your visitors to answer the captcha before entering your site, minifying Js,CSS,html files and soon)


from Mumbai
12 years ago

I vaguely remember once trying it out a few months back. I dont think blogspot users have access to it's services?

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