Blog hop mainly for the ladies

from singapore
13 years ago

A bunch of us blogger friends are hosting  a blog hop to meet new friends and discover new blogs. List up your blogs if you wish to.

find on beautysecrets-reviewed - monday blog hop

Replies 1 to 5 of 5 Ascending
from singapore
13 years ago

Today's blog hop could be more interesting for the ladies coz all the linked up blogs are about family, kids, savings, beauty etc. Its not that guys can't join. Cool

But a group will be non-specific to the niche, just about blogging in general. Once I create the group will let the indibloggers know.

from Bengaluru
13 years ago

If its a page, it can be any day, any week, the links will always be there. If ur thinking of weekly renewing the thing, then post would be better.

from singapore
13 years ago

If the list becomes too long, its difficult to go through it to see which ones you want to visit and follow, and its a sore to the eyes. Say, how about a FB group for that purpose? I am in a couple of such groups who support and help each other.

from Bengaluru
13 years ago

Up to u and the lady blog hoppers :P 

from singapore
13 years ago

@animesh, clarify on the blog hop, u mean?

@Leo, thats's a good idea. I could make the blog hop a weekly thing, so instead of creating a new post every week, page is better.

Did u guys get a chance to visit and see how to link up?

from Bengaluru
13 years ago

I agree with Ani.. rather than leaving a link to your blog, and a "post" in that, you can perhaps create a page on the blog and in ur thread description, say please leave your links in the page on my blog. (without a link to ur blog, which can be accessed through ur profile). The post can be replaced by newer ones, but the page becomes like a menu link, always visible. 

from singapore
13 years ago

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