3 S's to Combat Corruption ? Debate

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Nowerdays three S are being used to combat corruption, they are Slap, Snakes and Slippers.  This is a unique way of protesting against corruption.  Releasing snakes in a govt office see video on yahoo http://in.video.yahoo.com/news-26036098/national-26073656/snake-conservator-dumps-snakes-in-tehsil-office-27442274.html is the height of showing dissent.

I was wondering whether it can be converted into a Gandhian way by having a mannequin or a mask of the conerned and a symbolic gesture is shown against the corrupt than than attacking them physically.  This would ideally send the message of the millions, can someone think of virtually instead of physical condemnation.  Otherwise let the law take its own course. Anna's team is about to launch agitation i suppose.  Debate guys,


Replies 1 to 4 of 4 Ascending
indu chhibber
indu chhibber
from Kota
12 years ago

But if somebody asks for it when you are desperate, you are literally blackmailed than what do you do ?


give bribe & call the ACB

Ram A Singh
Ram A Singh
from Silvassa
12 years ago

don't give and don't take brive. learn to stand in que.

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

But if somebody asks for it when you are desperate, you are literally blackmailed than what do you do ?

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Hello Ram singh DS wants to organise meet at Ahmedabad are you ready ?

indu chhibber
indu chhibber
from Kota
12 years ago

Your post has forced me to think what we can do to fight corruption.Of course at my level i can take a wow to not indulge in it,but that is not even a drop in a ocean.When all those at the top collude to save the corrupt we ordinary people feel very helpless.Anna has shown us a way,may he live long.But his agitation & all the efforts on the net have not shaken UPA's resolve to blunt the Lokpal bill.Then WHAT can we do ?Good question,but difficult to answer.

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Indu thanks for your confirmation not to be corrupt or promote the same vide giving bribes.

from goa
12 years ago

Violence never was the solution for any problem. As gandhiji said "An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind". I also dont believe in just sititng there and taking all harashment with a smile on your face. My philosophy is to solve the problem stratergically. Put mental pressure on the enemy. As Sun Tzu says in his "art of war" the greatest battles are won with minimum of fighting.

Like when i was in school i used to get in arguments with other students and sometimes it would reach at a point of physical fight. But i never wanted to fight but i could also not just run away so i used to say to the other person "You touch me and just see the consequences" and just stand there staring at him, it always worked. This would accomplish two things i would not get beat up and i would not be seen as coward.

Same way public should start building mental pressure on the corrupt like they could puncture their tires or just put banners everywhere telling people how corrupt he is.

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Mayur This is a Munna Bhai type of suggest to take the concept forward Smile

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