Do you think even social causes we support are biased?

Sujith v
Sujith v
from New Delhi
13 years ago

Everyone in this country backed "Anna Hazare" in his fight against corruption, even media supported it or is it the other way around, more people more atention so media is interested. Anyways, after that not even Hazareji were seems to be interested in such causes like social atrocities towards people in Manipal. A lady had been fighting for almost 13 years for that. When one day Anna Hazare mentioned, he will back her fight in Manipal, suddenly every one is so interested in her, then same as before, neglected.

My question is, do you think even social causes we support are biased? like we support only what is only matter to us. Do you that is what happened in Manipal's case. Is it b'coz, most of us think of it as private matter of teh people of Manipal?

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Varun Gawarikar
Varun Gawarikar
from Manama
13 years ago

thats what causes support what YOU want to support. Why do you bother whether theirs are biased or not. You keep doing your thing. It matters to the people, animals, enironment for which you are doing things. Lime light does not. YOU do.

Sujith v
from New Delhi
13 years ago

No No No that's not how it is, its not about lime light. If you are doing something for the society, you automatically come upon with certain responsibility, It is not something like building a bridge or aircraft that you only focus on that particular work. You must have a moral and societal obligation at least towards our own people. We call ourselves Indians, don't you think that  count for something. i mean when we do something shouldn't it at least be for the good of Indians. i don't know about others but thats how i feel.


Ram A Singh
Ram A Singh
from Silvassa
13 years ago

Some extent it is yes. otherwise why people are mentioning that there is no memer of so on so community  in the core committe of Anna movement. 

Political agenda motivated, people going to the ditches led by the piedpiepers. Concerned people do the good work silently, ramdeo, Anna, arvind, digvijay,advani, etc,etc, all political driven agenda people, looking for gains and public following is just food to satisfy their ego. These things sometimes or many times go beyond control, which takes innocent lives too. But they can never be satisfied.
umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Yes generally the media and public takes up causes only when public figures are invovled in the fight otherwise they back out because of obvious defamation and targetting by the concerned.

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