Actual percentage of bloggers in India?

The Nameless One
The Nameless One
from Mumbai
13 years ago

those who follow Mashable might have seen this, its an infograph for china's internet world and our country managed to be among the top.

The most suprising and curious part I found was the percentage of blogging which was an N/A? Why are there so less of us or what? Just saying

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The Nameless One
The Nameless One
from Mumbai
12 years ago

just saw this old thread and must say after 9 months I do believe there is a much big bo. of bloggers here

Micky Fernandez
Micky Fernandez
from Kolkata
12 years ago

There are not necessarily few bloggers in India; this simply means that the number of bloggers was "not available" to the writer or collector of the information.

From Google, I found which estimates that there are 1.5 crore bloggers in India.

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