HemaSrini would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://h4hemh4help.blogspot.com/ ] IndiRank: 36

Review on my blog

from Bangalore
13 years ago

I am author of my blog which contains recipes which I make. I started scribbling on to it, just because I wanted to have a passion towards cooking. And to be a good cook atleast to my family, it has reached to an extent. I guess I still need to improve on baking, using leftovers.

I was active in 2009 and early 2010. Then i was quite busy, i am reactive only since October 2011

Kindly stop by and pass ur review on the same. http://h4hemh4help.blogspot.com/

Replies 1 to 1 of 1
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Hello Hema,

Welcome to IndiBlogger :)

Please find my first impressions for your blog below -

Good --

  • Nice, innovative recipes. The recipes you blog about are not only traditional that we have seen and heard but you cook up your own too using leftovers and mixing other stuff, that gives a certain uniqueness and freshness to your blog. Something that makes the readers bookmark your blog and return to it.. Good work! :)
  • The pictures are worth a thousand words. And what better way to understand this than a food blog. The pics are yummy and I felt like digging into it instantly!

Things you cud improve on --

  • First, the header color (blue) does not match with the template and is distracting to the eyes. Try experimenting with lighter cool shades.
  • On first glance, the site looks cluttered with too many widgets scattered here and there. I suggest you put all the directory links like blogadda, blogher, etc in the footer section. Give prominence to post related widgets and followers in the sidebars.
  • One more thing you cud do is put up the 'Label widget'. Categorize your recipes as 'savories', 'sweets', 'Bakes', etc and then put these in a tag cloud. Not only does it help better organization of your blog posts but also is an efficient way to increase clickthroughs to your internal pages.
  • You cud also put up a search box, for people looking out for a particular recipe in your blog.
  • The pics in the post can have a separate space for them and can be inserted in the middle of the para as a separate entity instead of besides the text as it is done now.

Overall, the theme is good, I love it :) You are doing a wonderful job cooking and blogging, I have already noted down a few tips and recipes that i shall be trying soon! Will also keep visiting for more :)

Happy Blogging Smile

