i cant understand how this gravatar thing work

alka narula
alka narula
from delhi
12 years ago

ever since i becme a member of indiblogger 2hours of my day goes into trying to upload a profile image using gravatar because i dont think theres any other way to do it..i find gravatar.com so complicated and confusing..i have tried my best to upload a profile image but in vain,i have still not managed to get the image connected to my gmail account..and gravatar fails to authenciate blogger for my account..and even if it does authenciate i still dont know whats the next step..please help me..and if possible give me step wise details on how to get a profile image on indiblogger without missing on a single step..your help will be appreciated..i am fed up and frustrated now..

Replies 1 to 6 of 6 Ascending
Sriram Raj
Sriram Raj
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Many sites use gravatar. Even wordpress.com uses gravatar. When you comment in any wordpress posts, gravatar comes up. It is very easy to upload to gravatar if we have fast connection

Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
12 years ago

This was answered naSurprised

TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Even I was postponing for a long time and finally I ended up uploading my pic without realizing while registering at some other site. And it started appearing here also.

Geek World
Geek World
from New delhi
12 years ago

what is indianomics

from Hyderabad
12 years ago

lol some geek you are.

alka narula
alka narula
from delhi
12 years ago

Tongue outhaha i sleep  late

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
12 years ago
Hmmm, Animesh can stay up late everyday then ... Hehe
alka narula
alka narula
from delhi
12 years ago

@indianomics :) its a big achievement for me hehehehe n m seriusly not kidding... and @ animesh thank u for the warm welcome

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Arrey public abhi tak jaag rahee hai Tongue out, neverthleaa my pleasureSmile

alka narula
alka narula
from delhi
12 years ago

wats funny is before i posted the above topic i hd tried for 2hours to upload the pic here and after gtn very frustrated i posted this,and when i went back to my profile it was right there...aaaahhhhh finally so many hours of r and d paid off...lol

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
12 years ago
It normally takes time to update, sometimes 4 to 24 hours. Congo to get ur gravatar :)
from Mumbai
12 years ago

and welcome to Indiblogger

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