What will be your suggestion for Vijay Mallya ?

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

The downgrade of Kingfisher airline is a big blow for Vijay Mallya, i believe the gravity of the situation can be guaged only by insiders, it would be coup of sorts if he is bailed out of the present crisis.  The accumulated losses are more than 5000 crores.  Most of the shares are pledged, i suspect collateral if reports are right includes his parent company which is a cash cow.  Now if the banks want they can call the shots.  What will be your personal advice to VM, in these difficult times.  I believe he does not believe in donating for charitable causes etc.  He has lived life Kingsize, and he is at present in crossroads.  Lookin for some creative solutions

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Firoze Shakir
Firoze Shakir
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Thank you ..I dont fly ..mostly walk.,.. long distances .. to shoot street life... but the way people are harping about saving Mr Mallyas ass , if they could only have the same enthusiasm for the farmers comitting suicide in Maharashtra and the poor Dalits breaking their backs building statues in Uttar Pradesh..what we need is a Sardar Vallabh Bhai Pael kind of leader ..and not spineless ones or Muslim hating ones like Mr Subramaniam Swamy....and someone must tell Junior Gandhi that the Bhaiyyas began begging in Maharashtra from the time of Nehrujis Tryst with Destiny.. take care .. good night ..

Firoze Shakir
Firoze Shakir
from Mumbai
12 years ago

fear of flying...

all around poor are dying


umeshji once again you hit when the anvil is bleeding red ..

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Firoz, you are safe on the ground, with your camera, shoot at site, and post the photos. Lolz

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

I am wondering why employees of Kingfisher have not come to the rescue of Kingfisher by working at half salary, instead Pilots have deserted Kingfisher, that is sad.  Smile  My advice to Mallya would be to forget the dream of NO 1 in airline and flying limited destinations abroad.

Aviation industry can only flourish with sync. With policies of govt. Right now, the scene is that , monopoly is gonna creep in, in regards to fares. I can give a novel idea, Take passengers to gulf, have a plane such that only cabin baggage allowed. Design aircraft such that it can fill up ATF fuel extra tank of cabin baggage weight capacity. Fill his other planes, with that ATF. And run his flights,
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Yes that is good idea to have extra tank capacity when flying to GULF, wherein the fuel cost is the least.  If the fuel can take care of the return and have some surplus capacity which can be drained on the return to refuel another KF aircraft than it is possible to cut costs.  But it would all mean that unethical or smuggling type of tactics will be adopted.

It's not smuggling, it's like the theory of the man , who used to crossthe Border of a nation on an ass, border security used to check thoroughly and find nothing on him , objectionable . He used to do this on a daily basis. Customs people came to know him by name now. One day , officer asked him , I know you are smuggling something. Just a friendly query, I won't do anything. Tell me' what it is. That man says, I am smuggling asses.
Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
12 years ago
Sell Kingfisher Red back to Captian Gopinath and use that money to revive KF Airlines.. run the show from there on..
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Hemal i don t think Capt Gopinath would like to purchase KF Red back considering the present scenario of high prices of ATF.  He has burnt his fingers in logistics or Cargo.

Varun Gawarikar
Varun Gawarikar
from Manama
12 years ago

Since all are talking bail out for KF through Govt. I have a win win idea. Don't bail out KF with direct tax payer's money. But, reduce the excise and sales taxes on his beer and other alcoholic products which are consumed by masses in humoungous quantities.

That way, people will be happy, Govt. does not care any ways and Mallya will be happy too. See. Happy ness all around :)

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
12 years ago

haha.. nice take dude...


umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Kerala govt will be first govt to object since revenues from Liquor is the highest in Kerala, i believe giving one mug of draught beer free while flying Kingfisher would be solution.  He might find passengers regularly flying kingfisher.

Ram A Singh
Ram A Singh
from Silvassa
12 years ago

His entire business are  depend on borrowing either from Bank or from Suppliers. See what happend in the case of kingfisher , the everything was ok till the time the lenders were giving fund or goods but as soon as they strted asking for return of money his entire avition  business  collapsed. He know once he declrear bancrupt all problem will automatically sorted out.. wso my advice for him is do not do anything let lenders do to recover their loan or dues.

Wow, ram Ji, Rinan kritwa ghritam piwet, yawann jiwet , sukhen jiwet.
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Yes that his philosophy i believe don t invest on your own, let the business model take care of itself.  But here it was over ambitious to become NO 1 which has bought trouble.  If the expansion mode was caliberated, than even being no 3 Kingfisher would have earned profits and would have been above sinking level.

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Sell Royal Challengers Bangalore, the IPL team (Gosh! I really want the IPL to end, its a disgrace to cricket). And if that does not suffice then let go of the F1 team as well... People like him should not get any bailout. Thats what I feel. Wasting money all over the place.
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

I believe IPL is the right investment, he should have named his team Kingfisher rather than Royal challenger.  Secondly giving free tickets for cricketers might be set back.  He must have got a wrong feedback from these guys who want their plane journey with less passengers or no passengers.   So the idea must have germinated in his mind that budget airline is not the model for India, when world over budget airline has survived the cyclical demand, i don t know why he has abandoned budget airline model.

Vishal Kataria
from Thane
12 years ago

Umesh, it's not a paltry sum of thousands which has hurt Mallya. It's lakhs of crores. So it doesn't matter whether he gives free tickets to a few cricketers or a few free airline tickets. He should sell off the loss making IPL team. I hear no team except KKR has broken even yet. So why doesnt Mallya ask the BCCI to bail him out there? F1 is fine, it might make him money later. But live the life of a casanova and say you don't have enough money to correct losses which you knew were coming for a long time; that's sort of unacceptable.

We didn't ever hear the TATAs do that when Ratan Tata wanted to buy Corus Steel. Instead, he put his entire property on the line. Plus, when Corus & JLR needed funding, TATAs requested to borrow money from the UK Govt as loan, not bail them out. So I guess we all can see where this is going...

Vishal Kataria
Vishal Kataria
from Thane
12 years ago
He knows whatever is happening. He's probably forecasted something like this since quite some time. So he's going to continue living the life on yatches, in mansions, etc. while his son poses in public wearing low waist jeans without an undy and jack asses are gonna swoon over his bachelorhood. Soon, Dr. VM will bail out of this problem, all will be forgotten and life will continue as usual.

yes vishal, rightly said, these biggies have their own way of handling things. public doesn't get to know much of the facts. 

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Hopefully we will see that Kingfisher is soaring high once again.

Varun Gawarikar
Varun Gawarikar
from Manama
12 years ago

Like any business, he is facing the lows right now. I don't think his parent company will be harmed in anyway as both are different entities all together. Vijay Mallya is too smart a person to get to the raw side of this deal. He will wriggle out definitely.

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Hoping for the best, since my investment in the shares too is on stake Varun, hope he wriggles out and bails us out too Lolz

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

I see him sporting diamond ear rings, which may be the source of bad luck to him.  I believe diamond is generally unlucky for men, it is even unlucky for women and they are advised to adorn it rarely.  It is precisely the reason why Kohinoor is not frequently worn by the Queen.

Umesh ji, The phenomenon of diamond is a different aspect altogether. some diamonds are cursed, like the hope diamond, which is believed to have been stolen from an idol of goddess Sita ji, and this diamond whereever it went, whole generation of the owner was wiped out. lastly a lady, the owner suffering losses, donated to smithsonian institute. kohinoor too seems to be one of that category. now, i don't know what malya ji is wearing. and where. diamond should be worn in ring finger. it has immense power,in itself. diamond is not unlucky, it's the way people vehemently adorn a thing. It's like this that every thing has some inherent powers in it, like the trees, for example. in olden days before plucking a leaf or fruit for medicine, the vaidya used to pray and ask the tree forgiveness for plucking, and provide cure for the desease.

likewise, these stones which take billions of years in formation below100's of miles of earh crust, have the different powers. one has to humbly seek its blessings.



umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Pramod i believe Mallya is sporting the diamond on his ears.  You can check out the photos, maybe he has habit of frequently changing his style too.

I don't know, I think it may be harming him there, it's for ladies to wear them there. He should be wearing it in the ring finger.

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