Need your REVIEWS for my blog
Hi everyone! Myself KShazyr. I am from Mangalore, a B.E graduate from VTU, Belgaum. I'm a software professional working in a reputed company in Hyderabad.
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About Blog: "KSRealityBites" is an amalgamation of posts aiming to provide true, valuable & useful information pertaining to health, research, current & past discoveries, stuffs on reality. Updated frequently with the latest informations on various health research, natural happenings around the globe & also deals with space, discoveries & info. on the current and past realities. All the posts are written & composed by me. Thanks a lot... I'll be eagerly waiting for a response!
Reason: Updated URL
excellent site. very well researched posts. A boon for humanity I suppose. The negligence points raised,on part of hospitals ,very very disturbing.
I see your voice will be heard, sooner than later. Keep up the good work. just way out of the class.
Im glad you liked my posts and hope sooner than later it will be heard for sure to everyone. I will continue to share them until my last breath. Thanks a lot for your feedback
Very excellent site, with well researched posts, the textlink ads are disturbing will go thro the content. Beautiful template with excellent content.
@Rajkumar Thanks for your fdbk Well the TL ads 've been removed. Keep reading & do remind if you find any other flaws via posts
Excellent blog which caters to everyone taste and interest. The quality of post is great and it's a reader's delight to surf the blog.
@Saru Singhal Thanks for your fdbk.. Delighted by your kind words
Really good blog and i loved the articles written which are very helpful and useful for everyone. I have bookmarked your site.
Keep writing
visit my site and provide a feedback -
@Ishita Thanks for your fdbk as well as bookmark.. I'm glad you liked my articles. Sure
Hi, I liked the contents of your blog. Very informational indeed. Most of us usually ingnore health quotent in our lives. Thanks for highlighting it and sharing great articles.
@Nisheeth Ranjan Thanks for your fdbk. I'm glad you liked the contents of my blog. I agree. Keep visiting & reading the articles.. It's updated frequently
Thank you for sharing your blog,its very intersting and informative,I will surely visit again...
@Alpana My pleasure. I'm glad you liked it. Thank you so much
well, i liked the way you write and chose topics, pretty useful and informative.. about the layout and looks, wonderful colors and good gadgets you have got, keep blogging keep sharing :)happy blogging :)
Thanks @Deepak karthik for your honest words. Sure! I will definitely keep sharing informative stuffs... Keep reading...
cluttered at first view... but useful content out there... I am not an expert to share anything useful to get rid of clutterness, but cleaners blogs/sites are successful in making long term relationshoip with viewers. As of now, I am also struggling with similar problems :)
I loved the colors used in the blog. The content is excellent. What I felt was the blog header was a little cluttered.