Opportunity for commercial writing ? Debate

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Some time back i received an offer for commercial writing for a start-up website which is basically targetted at foreigners particularly US.  The terms and conditions of the website is that the content has to be unique and should not be published anywhere.  Further all the photos would become a copyright to the website with due credit given to the author. The compensation package indicated is $ 10 to $ 30 depending on the content and uniquenes of the article.  

This would obviously involve lot of travel, research and photo shoots.  It is not necessary that whatever content or article submitted can get approved.  In that case assuming 1 out of 5 article may get published one would be compensated $ 10 to $ 30, what is your opinion guys ?  If one has to take up such an offer what are the safe guards one has to take ? Debate guys

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from Allahabad
12 years ago

Well, it depends upon the credibility of your employer. When I started blogging I had several offers to write on different other blogs but somehow I restrained myself and focused on my blog. Now after one year, I am onboard as a writer on Make Tech Easier.

So again, it depends upon the credibility and reputation of your emlpoyer :)

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Hello Abhishek, when you are under exclusive contract with a employer than it is a different ball game altogether and one is bound to be adequately compensated.  As mentioned above a credibility of a start up can never be assessed.  However one has to take a call depending on one's priorities.

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Basically Pramod, when we take up such assignments we should be careful with regard to credentials of the promoter and their objective in seeking contribution.  When we are diverting our focus out of creating our own niche, we should be absolutely sure of our step.  Smile

I think it should be taken as hobby only. A traveler like you , have considerable photoshoots. Try one or two posts with them and see if it is accepted. Basically minimum wage in America is around 8$ an hour. You can gauge your labour and returns accordingly.
Basically they are looting. They take best cream selection for a meager amount.
That also they might not give payment for all,
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Pramod, Few years back one of the reputed travel portal engaged my services for answering queries and they agreed to pay Rs 20 per query, i think i must has answered around 20 queries, suddenly one day they said they will prepare a cheque and send the same.  I just asked them to hold on, in case i require i will ask for it.  Suddenly one fine day a female called me and asked me to act as a Guide to a group of journalist posing as their employee, this was too much.  She was willing to compensate handsomely with car, food and payment for the day.  I just thank you Smile

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