Categories of posts at Indi blogger restricts reading

from New Delhi
12 years ago

Hola Indibloggers....hope you doing well:) 

Every time  I share a post at IndiBlogger, the selection of category makes me feel uncomfortable, coz more often than not my post for instance the recent one on "Busting Myths on Psychology" could only be put to "personal" category, even though I wanted it to be under the category of sciences as well....I'm wondering if you ppl too get annoyed and a lil disappointed by putting a category and a 'necessary sub category', without which apparently Indiblogger won't let you proceed?? :/  

While I understand its a way of screening posts for the administrators at IndiBlogger, I dunno if it restricts the readership as well....

What do you think abt it? Do u feel the same abt the "required categories" u have to put ur posts into??


PS: Woaa here too my forum thread is 'required' to have a category:(

Replies 1 to 20 of 20 Ascending

just to bring it on top

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Thanks for digging up an old thread where question has been answered, PL. <Looks around for the lock>

from New Delhi
12 years ago

@ DS: gRATSI....hmm I  get it...:)

@ Hemal: Woh..toh waqt hi btayega;) and yup....m all fine with u taking the lead..I started a discussion and it brought some memories of "unfinished business and changes" at indiblogger's go ahead...:)

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Hmmm... I dint get your reply :P
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
12 years ago
So cofffee is confirmed!
from New Delhi
12 years ago

dUDE...hEMAL...I kinda like the way u are taking charge of everything...but I just feel as if I'm not the one who started the probs...I'll sit back and hear the covo happening:)

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
12 years ago

hey girly, no hard feelings as i said Laughing i just intervened coz it is a thing that had been lurking around for many months now, as you can see on Arti's thread. I do see many of the categories listed at Arti's thread on the IndiVine currently and hence I said, lets continue the discussions on that thread.

Tongue out PS:I hope we still going on for a date then InnocentCoolTongue out

from Mumbai
12 years ago
He is the forum Superhero, he must lead by example. Which he is doing ably at the moment. Go Hemal. I am ready for any help:)
Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
12 years ago

@Everyone: Check out the Google Spreadsheet on Arti's Thread which contains the current categories of IndiVine. We all can continue our discussions over there.

from Bengaluru
12 years ago

Pramod (see, not calling you ji now) left out two of the main categories without which me and Indivine just can't work out Frown


Poetry and Stories, and maybe even Humor.


It can be head category itself I feel, or subcat under Creative Writing. Smile

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
12 years ago
there u go leo. This is what i wanna see.. Try to see if we can minimize the number of categories but at the same time making it elaborate enough! Let me work towards creating a list today so that i can give u guys something to start off with
from New Delhi
12 years ago

Hola Arti:):) yup I did visit ur thread thnks to DS by sharing the link with me..and we have ur category of "festivals" on board:) gimme sumtym will see ur thread once again:)

from New Delhi
12 years ago

Pramodji...pls aap mujhe Aakritiji mat bulaiye...u are wy too elder than i said to Hemal..the categories given by u are helpful and well as Arti had mentioned in her thread..there should be one category as "festivals" too..right Arti?

from New Delhi
12 years ago

Hey Hemal....thnk u so much for ur wonderful rply..honestly.. i'm seeing that this is calling for a lot of work...i dont wanna backout it'll be nice if we can have someone else m not that tech savvy my bro says  "All I can do is FB and blogging":P... and yeah I like the categories given by Pramodji..:)

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
12 years ago
no hard feelings, but that is why i wished to reconfirm. I know everyone is excited to contribute and definetly its a good thing and am happy u feel good in contributing ur way towards the forum. this thing has been on for some months now and we can't let down feelings of everyone. Its like when sachin gets on the crease, billion hopes are on his shoulders..
from Mumbai
12 years ago
Aakriti! You backed out :O Not done :( You would certainly have handled this better...
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Hey Aakriti,

I agree, Indivine does need some changes here and there. I have already given my views in brief in my thread as you may have already checked out. Will be glad to help out in any way I can, just ping me, if you need anything on this girl Smile

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
12 years ago
hey arti... Lets work on this then.. Honestly, i dont wanna start this to end mid way. Given my schedule, am not that active. Yes am trying to be, but cant get access to our forum all the time. Lets create a small team of 4 and start creating categories list. 8 mother categories and their sub categories. We can start with existing categories. Once am home, i will give on your post the list of categories that exist now so that will be eaiser.
from Mumbai
12 years ago
Me?! But even am not that active :O And more importantly I am not sure, if I will be able to do justice to the entire thing as am not much a category hopper myself.. But this I say not to back out, if there is indeed a team performing here and not a one man show, then am game for it.. Can certainly devote some time to contribute making this place I love even better :-)
from Mumbai
12 years ago
And ya, just give me a day or two to go through that excel sheet of yours and my own thread even, have forgotten most of it now :p Will try to do my best with it but will surely need all the actives here to chip in with their support...
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
12 years ago

@Arti hehe.. steer ahead the conversation to get a team for yourself and then collaborate with them. not that only you have to do it, take support from as much as you can.. I just suggest to have at least 4 people which in a way is not lot.

Plus, you dont have to add and accept everyone's suggestion. The idea behind creating this list is keep the categories as consice as possible. There are many things that can be clubbed / combined which produce the same effect. Work on those and you are set to go.

And being a forum hero, am sure you should now gear up to lead initiatives and let this be your first! Wink

from Mumbai
12 years ago

@Hemal haha, too much burden on a forum hero..ine, i suppose Frown

Anyways, I am thinking that instead of a closed 4 member team discussion we cud let the discussions flow and openly hear/discuss out the category/subcategory suggestions of all.

Based on those discussions, we can then add everything that apparently looks fine and worth considering and prepare a rough draft of the excel sheet... This updated sheet can then be worked on by some of us here (the team that you were referring to) and subsequently evolved into something presentable that the team can take note of… what ya think?

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Work on those and you are set to go.

Innocent  I am sensing that people are gonna storm us with their wants and needs... Lets see, dont wanna be sounding like a pessimist here.. :) With the help of ever1 here, we will give it a shot nevertheless and see if we can get anything out of this for the team to work on...  :)

from Mumbai
12 years ago

oooohh and also Indimail me the right to access that sheet … Innocent 

Will have this up and running once you do that.

One mother head should be" My unique topic" in this blogger can put his post which doesnot come under any category , like ghosts, etc
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
12 years ago
Haha nice one pramod.. Shud that be covered under spiritual or some other categories?
Aakriti ji , i have given topic heads which can be mother of many subtopics, you can select & concise them. Photo & Video, News & Current Events,, Lifestyles,,,Internet,,,Home & Garden,,,,,Games,,,,,Food & Drink,,,,,Finance & Insurance,,,,,,Entertainment,,,,Computers & Electronics,,,,,,,Beauty & Personal Care,,,,,,,Animals,,,Automotive,,,,,,,,Recreation,,,,Shopping,,,,,,sports,,,,,,Travel,,,,,,Education,,,,
from New Delhi
12 years ago

Hey DS....thnsk for the link..I did go thru it..:)

from Mumbai
12 years ago
You are most welcome Aakriti:)
from New Delhi
12 years ago

Hey Hemal..I volunteer since I started the thread..well not that m obligated to..but I am more than willing..but just gimme some time..lets wait for toher replies here..and see wht comes up..alryt?:) and well Hemal...I also read the thread started by Arti few months bk on the categories..u have replied to it as makes sense.. and basically that link is abt the subcategories ppl wud like to have...

PS: Requiring me to go to that thread and make a list will be a tedious task..:P..and I have tonnes of college assessments cuming up as well:P

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
12 years ago
Grt @Aakriti! Thats some meaty response :P ;) ... It wont be any easier task and u wil need good time. Having said that, yes u have a lot of time to do ur work. I am thinking of creating thread exclusively for you where u can interact with others and start collating information abt what ppl want and interact with them. But before that, just confirm that u will be able to do it to the end. Dont wanna abandon people's request mid way and i have to search someone else ;)
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
12 years ago
and onee more thing, if u need help, u can seek from people who can do part of it for you. Lets see how this one goes.. Sorc is already on improvising the forum, while he gets that word out we can get the categories moving.
from Mumbai
12 years ago
Isnt it easy to go through that thread instead of starting a new one and then again people writing the same things...
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
12 years ago
sometimes, its good to start afresh @ds but not that it has to :) i was just thinking so that it becomes easier to collate. But grt point, we can continue on the old thread that u given the link for.
from Mumbai
12 years ago
Its just so we dont miss anything. That thread already has lots of suggestions.
Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
12 years ago
Make mother categories, which can cover all possible categories. But limited, you all come up with one single list which can cover all your categories request and IndiMail me. I will coordinate with IndiTeam. Smeone take responsibility of making that one list and everyone else coordinate with that person and that one person coordinates with me. Does this makes sense? I am tracking this topic. PS: no gurantee that we will get all of them on the list, the IndiTeam may combine some and discard basis discussion within the team along with IndiPolice.
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
12 years ago
The person volunteering, please IndiMail me.
from Mumbai
12 years ago
Hemal, please read the link I have shared above. It is the best for indivine categories demand.
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
12 years ago
@DS condense it, that is what i said. Lets have one person coordinate with everyone and create a list form it. And then club as many categories as possible to make it as precise as possible. All mother categories shud help post almost everything. Also, since Indi platform is getting upgraded, IndiPolice will have more rights on moving thee posts on the right categories. We can combine this to create even more soild structure for all posts.
from New Delhi
12 years ago

hEYLOZ lEO..againSmile...hmm..Well makes sense what u are saying..but I wish categories could have some more categories to put in..bttr still..I think we should have an option to put our own categories, not just keywords..

PS: I'm a poet too...and I love the weather of the City where u are from:)

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
12 years ago
Its long time Indi team revisted categories, but i am against too many categories. Reason being it will make it even more messy..
from Mumbai
12 years ago
Or you can write in this thread -
from Bengaluru
12 years ago

It's only on Indivine.. and it helps maintain some decorum actually.. Smile else people who write under offbeat and personal will have confusion.. Some categorisation helps, coz for e.g. I being a poet would look to the Poetry subcategory to find some nice poets to read.. Innocent


However, maybe a sub-category named "General/Unsubcategorized" under each category would be helpful Smile

from New Delhi
12 years ago

Oh no....I'm against categories actually Pramod..they restrict my post:/ ..All I want is that even if categories are there they should e broad...why have sub categories at all?

new categories are need of the hour, zephyr too had demanded that and created a thread to bring to light that need,. let's brace our hearts, some thing may come up soon.

from New Delhi
12 years ago

Thank you so much Animesh...its just that I'm not a very frequent interactor at Indiblogger..this is just one of the things I have been finding a lil I shared it...I guess maybe linking this thread to that post should be helpful...what do u think?

PS: Thank u sor spelling my name correctly, ppl dunt even do that even after seeing:P

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