Support for Surf Excel Matic #GetSmart Contest
If you have any questions on the Surf Excel Matic contest, this is the place to ask them! What does everyone think of the topic?
Did they auction it on weight basis? Strange? :D :P
ok, i am giving the link of the u.k. news site, house name is wymering manor,
I couldn't write another blog-post :( So only one entry that too with just 18 comments (half mine) :( :(
chill dude.....!!
i posted another ghostly saga, brave can tread there.
shanti nath ji, your comment too gonna count, how was your approach to move da interaction. so don't worry. and one single worthy comment can fulfil interaction criteria,
@Pooja will definitely gift you something :)
Pooja, He will wrap his heart in a nice box and gift you. Men are clever on that. beware.
it's still open, I think they gonna extend the dates.
they must be busy for dove judgements and posts may be still pouring in.
it will give my second post some time to gain some worthy interactions. come on friends, show your bravery and read and post some comments for the ghosts.
the ghosts are waiting impatiently,
hahaha. Pramodji, My wife will rip out my heart and gift wrap it to me :D :D I was thinking may be the dove hamper :)
hehehehe, I didn't know you were in my class of married ones. looks great to see one more enjoying soul like me.
Alas, only married men can understand the pain of married men :)
Life is like that. no grievances. sooner you learn to enjoy the pain ,the better.
Now that the contest closed at midnight when do we expect the results?
@viren I don't think the contest is closed.
Wasn't the contest supposed to end yesterday? Midnight?
I can still see a "submit a post" button.
Anyway, when the contest does close, will the posts be locked and hidden? and when'll the winners be announced? :)
yes DS, it's closed. submit button removed. results, awaited, total 229 posts, my goodness, judges have a tough task now.
What does locking the posts mean? If it was regarding voting, then this is the answer: You can vote for entries even after the contest ends.
Renie bhai kuch toh bolo :)
hey renie, when are the results gonna be out for this contest?
yo DS, results awaited, with thumping heart, now ghosts too are waiting to hear of the result more than me. I hope they don't find their way to the H.U.L. offices,
contest is closed but no mention of results :( not even "shortly" :(
LoL, Another great idea, after 10 days they will write shortly,
@PramodJi: Thanks :)
i agree, but how "shortly" will be "shortly" :)
Pramod ji, Please check your indimail and reply.. thanks
Qvendo results not yet out? Surprising! Its been on for months, it seems
replied , shantinath ji,
Agree Pramodji, Results do take time to come out.. we need to have patience...
I agree. A min month would be required to screen 229 posts.
Depends on the panel of judges, their reading speed and number, i think..
yes dude, but lets hope we see them soon,
I'm dying for the results!!! :)
best wishes Achyuth . there are many many comp in the net across the world especially the contests come up in Nov-Jan. Check up and plan the next script and meanwhile let me die for u why dont u freeze the wish and let move with the time ladder to the place and time where Matic judges are sitting, chatting and discussing our entries thread bare .... why not listen to what *****( read beautiful) comments they have ... as they need to scavage through a pile of 280(?) so ever boring( read interesting) including my own .
@achyuth: i have been searching for ur surf excel post. where is it?
results will take two extra hours :p
Hi dear all! Indi contest I first attended but I really like the atmosphere...I appeared in a contest after a pretty long time. But I, as you wiould agree, liked the process of writing as much as reading and voting others. Thanks to all who visited me and my thanks to all for getting wonderful reading. Lets enjoy free time after rollicking time with free time....
thanks DS. My best wishes for you
I too am awaiting the results eagerly.. this was my first contest after joining indiblogger
best wishes
@debajyoti,i've inboxed you the link :)