YOU, YOUR network and THEIR IndiVine posts: NEW feature on IndiBlogger

from hyderabad
12 years ago

IndiBlogger is rolling out new features these days to make it more and more better and here is the latest. Renie informed the IB's on this thread about the new feature that many of us were waiting for since ages Smile Now we can view the posts from our network by visiting this link. Now, it's time to discuss about it and c ome up with more suggestions regarding this feature. I am sure that the team will listen.

Here are a few questions to all of you:

  • How long have you been waiting for this feature?
  • What effect will it have on your activity in IndiVine: will you read more of your networks posts than that of others?
  • What effect might it have on the newbies?

Here is a fun activity: Hunt out for all those thraeds where this suggestion has come up or discussions regarding the same have surfaced. Let's see who is teh most active IndiForumer!

Edited 12 years ago
Reason: minor edit
Replies 1 to 1 of 1 Ascending
from Bengaluru
12 years ago

I was wondering when it'd come out, and thankfully it has! Laughing


1. How long a wait..? Not really waited for it, was expecting it after Renie's information on that post Tongue out


2. How will it affect my activity on IndiVine? I'll have to look in to both now maybe Tongue out but I certainly will read others on Indivine whenever I can! Smile


3. Effect on newbies? Not much perhaps Smile  coz Indivine is not redundant anyways. People will peruse more Indivine, in my opinion... 


Active Indiforumer? Me? Nah. (Not that much anyways!) Innocent

from hyderabad
12 years ago

You are an Active IndiSmiler Smile

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