Hosting service to your Blogs

from Chennai
15 years ago

Dear Forum members,

                                 I have launched a Hosting company HEXAHOST. Shared, reseller, VPS and dedicated server hosting company.

No more Branding in Blogging forum. stright to matter.

Now the work is in progess to include more people/team specially for bloggers. I would like to have experts opinion on the same. 

Will Bloggers be intrested in taking a Hosting plan which can offer following things,

1. Cheap domain name

2. Blog platform installer

3. Experts Help on Theme

4. SEO for Blogs

5. Help on Widgets and Plug-ins

USP is As Blogger do your writing let the expert take care of place, apps for the same.


Thanks and Regards,



Replies 1 to 4 of 4 Ascending
from kolkata
15 years ago

what is USP ?

from Chennai
15 years ago

Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is a marketing concept. It conveys how different are your products from  your competitors.

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Are you doing a Marketing or Helping fellow bloggers?

from Chennai
15 years ago

I would like to help the fellow blogger. Inturn shape my product to be a Best in class.

By hosting your blog in one among 140000 websites. and hosting with a specialised company is the precise difference we would like to create.


Healthy Living India
Healthy Living India
from Bombay
15 years ago

Congratulations on launching your own company.

My thoughts... The USP is a bit wide.

I always believed that blogging is not only about writing content. It involves understanding SEO, theme, blogging platforms and widgets. It's a package deal when you are a blogger. Otherwise you are just a copywriter for a website (and chances are you'd make more money!!!)

So it seems like either your USP should target someone who has no knowledge about blogging i.e. wants to write and be noticed but doesn't want to involve themselves in the challenges of promotion and design.

For people who have their own blogs and have been blogging, the template design would be a big USP as would the cheap domain name. Since Blogger already offers forwarding (see Sriharsha's thread), that's a big plus.

Now I have a question for you: How does one keep SEO completely separate from writing. The idea of optimisation is to incoporate it in every post you write. How can you pitch, you write and I will worry about SEO.



from Chennai
15 years ago

Our USP for Hosting products as a whole is crisp and precise. In "Blog hosting" though we provide as a product now, It will be a platform in the furute.

I fully agree with you. Crisp USP is must on targeting specific customers in blogging domain.

SEO is an ongoing effort. Full usage is in the hands of writers in using right keywords, in targeted posts/pages. In the hosting product we don't just host your content. We create a full fleged platform starts with installation, customizing to your intrested theme, right plug-ins, and widget.

We do not want to be just another hosting company. Bloggers will have the freedom to do in anyway they want. We will do for people who want us to customize. For probloggers converting blogs to his desired platform.

Promoting a site on life time is through our SEO service by utilizing social media route, link building, writings etc.



Healthy Living India
Healthy Living India
from Bombay
15 years ago

Congratulations on launching your own company.

My thoughts... The USP is a bit wide.

I always believed that blogging is not only about writing content. It involves understanding SEO, theme, blogging platforms and widgets. It's a package deal when you are a blogger. Otherwise you are just a copywriter for a website (and chances are you'd make more money!!!)

So it seems like either your USP should target someone who has no knowledge about blogging i.e. wants to write and be noticed but doesn't want to involve themselves in the challenges of promotion and design.

For people who have their own blogs and have been blogging, the template design would be a big USP as would the cheap domain name. Since Blogger already offers forwarding (see Sriharsha's thread), that's a big plus.

Now I have a question for you: How does one keep SEO completely separate from writing. The idea of optimisation is to incoporate it in every post you write. How can you pitch, you write and I will worry about SEO.



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