Renie Ranvin From Nagercoil

Firoze Shakir
Firoze Shakir
from Mumbai
12 years ago

my tribute to the God of Blogs


hard boiledcybernetic brains in silver foil when attacked like tantric kundaliniuncoil all attacks will foil god of blogs son of soil hair crew cut no need of oil at indi blogger among master chefs doves he toils a humble man low profile reads sherlock holmes arthur conan doyle anwyn  his watson both in turmoil a leaking head of a barefeet beggar poet gargoyle wordsmith weeds as topsoil

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Firoze Shakir
Firoze Shakir
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Thank you Pramod Bhai and DS .. just come bck from work, showered hit the keys ..I have never been to Nagercoil I might if Renie makes me his Best I shall experience the jungles thank you DS pictures are point and shoot I am bad with names unlike other folks I dont take notes or carry a pen..I have till date never written a poem on paper just the working finger of a permanently damaged hand..that creates the magic.. and another advantage of Flickr pro membership I can change EXIF data of my picture the posting date and bring the picture to current date .. so normally I dont add description only a generic title that I change when the need arises.

Your forum is not very reply active people seem to shy away from interacting, and the Indi Talk is simply talk.. I am new to all this,.. but I am not complaining I like to blog .. it self heals me in more ways than one..


Take care


I am on Google+



from Mumbai
12 years ago
Awesome pics Firoze Bhai :)
Firoze, Nagercoil is one town bursting with activity even at 11 pm night even. Wholesale goods market is one of a kind. Rarely seen. There are two railwaystations by the name of nagercoil , one big, another so small and isolated. Train to Tirupathi, I caught with my group at 2 am in morning. Train Stopped there only for a minute. All signal system was on auto mode. No stationmaster. Just full span of jungle. Will never forget the four hours passed at the station.

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