Interested in Quality Link Building

from Kolkata
12 years ago

We all word hard while writing contents, work harder while promoting them, but apart from few social networking links, most of them hardly recieve any quality organic search results...ask yourself WHY? Answer is simple...your authority to Google is poor...

In three lines...what is authority...

A is a reputed site in the eyes of Google, B is your website, an avg blog, C is a spam site & D is another avg site.

now...if you got 10 backlinks (link backs) from C, it won't help you a bit, even Google may penalize you. If A will give you 1 link, it will be very good for you (B), BUT in real life its really hard to get a backlinks from a well reputed site.

solution...get more & more linkbacks from site D & give them as well...grow together, build your reputation & worked together like those little ants...

but make sure those who gives you links are from your niche. else no gain, only pain.

So if you are interested say your words, don't forget to mention your blog url, alexa rank & MozRank...those are three standards we should consider here.

Replies 1 to 3 of 3 Ascending
from goa
12 years ago

First when i started bloging i too used to thing that backlinks are very important so i blogrolled with some other bloggers but after 2-3 blogrolls i got tired and understood that there is no sense in wasting time on it. Instead of searching and buying backlinks we should invest that time in posting good stuff.

after 1 year of blogging some 4months ago i got my first page rank of 4 with just 13 backlinks(Last month it came down to 3 as i splitted the blog ). So just post good stuff and enjoy blogging.

from Kolkata
12 years ago story is the most recent one...they bought backlinks from US Unvs... .edu sites...Google caught & penalize them in search engines...por* site, gambling site are such too...any link from spammy site ..n you are in trouble...if your site is are in Google's radar...


Chaitanya Kulkarni
Chaitanya Kulkarni
from Mumbai
12 years ago

no backlink will ever be penalized by google, concluded out of exprience. Why would google penalize you for having a link on a avg or lower avg site? Links can go viral anywhere on the web.

ofcourse a high PR backlink will boost the ranking of the site.

This is what i think, each one would have their own opinions.

from Mumbai
12 years ago

I agree with you. Google of anyone else will not penalize your site just because of backlinks. Yes if the backlinks sounds spammy or very low quality, google will ignore it.Means it will not help you gain your rank but it will not cause you to go down rank.

Getting high PR backlinks is somehow difficult but could be easy as well. I will send you some tips via indiamail.

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