Why would my google pagerank suddenly drop down to zero?

Farida Rizwan
Farida Rizwan
from Bangalore
12 years ago

I know I haven't been very active on blogger for the past one month due to many issues I am facing in my life.. but is that the reason that my google pagerank would drop down to zero from 2 which was 3 earlier?

Replies 1 to 7 of 7 Ascending
Farida Rizwan
Farida Rizwan
from Bangalore
12 years ago

I have no idea but somehow I have landed with an google page rank of 3. I am very happy about it ;)

Arnab Maity
Arnab Maity
from Sydney
12 years ago

how can this rank be improved? Any ideas anyone? I know more frequent posts will increase the rank, but any specific observations?

from Pune
12 years ago

Finally managed to get a PR : 1 hai usi se kaam chalana hoga abhi :D

Tina Basu
Tina Basu
from Bangalore
12 years ago

MY GPR still showing 0 Cry 

from Weston
12 years ago

Two reasons, 

1. your linking site(s) decided to remove your links on their web page

2. Google detected illegal ways of link building, either by paid link creation or link exchange with others.

Farida Rizwan
Farida Rizwan
from Bangalore
12 years ago

At the moment I am back with my GP of 3 Smile

Tina Basu
Tina Basu
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Same for me, 3 to 0 :(

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