Blogger templates

Nivi Acharya
Nivi Acharya
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Hello everyone, I'm new to blogging (started last month). I find that many people here have really interesting templates for their blogs. I don't like the ones offered by Blogger, so could you give me the links to the sites that offer unique and easy to manage templates for free? I currently use a template offered by one such site but would be really grateful if the experienced bloggers could help me out on this front. Smile

Replies 1 to 5 of 5 Ascending
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Even I am looking for a new template for quite some time... This thread will surely help me, am tracking this one!

Nivi, you can also check these related threads and do tell us if you find anything good...

Nivi Acharya
Nivi Acharya
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Animesh- It was a settings problem. Figured it out just as soon as I posted the above post.Sealed Btw, loved the template for your blog!

from Mumbai
12 years ago

:) thanks a lot Nivi

from Pune
12 years ago

why don't you try the newly introduced blogger template views..

from Mumbai
12 years ago

It has its own issues. There already is a thread to discuss these issues. Just go through it:(

Nivi Acharya
Nivi Acharya
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Hi, thanks for replying! The problem with my current template is that commenting is not possible.. (Can you imagine that!) I don't like the templates offered by Blogger, I find them too bland to be honest. But I'll keep hunting. Thanks!

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Commenting is not possible? Now what is that? Can you elaborate some more please????

I visited your blog and I can comment there, found nothing wrong. You have got a nice template and I see no reason why you should want to change it. You may like to customize it a bit to make it more appealing, that's it. You can get in touch with me (send me IndiMail or see Feedback section of my blog) in case you need any assistance.

TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

I am actually a bit sceptical about using anything outside of blogger standard templates as I am not sure how they will be optimized in terms of load time, for different browsers and for mobile phones.  

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Yeah you're right and that's why I said it takes a long time to finalize a template. I have finally found one and its pretty good in terms of every aspect including SEO. Yeah, I must have tied at least 20-25 temlates before finalizing this one

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Changing template surely requires a lot of patience :) But how do we know that a template is good is terms of SEO and all?  What are the factors that one must keep in mind while choosing on a template?

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