Dynamic views from blogger! pros and cons ?

D Gowardhan
D Gowardhan
from Raigarh
12 years ago

Hi Friends,

Recently Blogger had launched dynamic views, I have activated it on my site. it looks gr8

but I am not sure about the advantages and disadvanatages of this. hi bloggers please throw light on the same

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D Gowardhan
D Gowardhan
from Raigarh
12 years ago

Yeah I too noticed that, customization is almost zero.

More over its like, blogger is having the complete controll.

we even dont have the feeling that its our own website.


from Mumbai
12 years ago
  • Can the header be customizd say with an image?
  • The comments link for each post should be visible on the home page itself, I dont think it is as of now..

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