Is your blogsite cross browser compatible?

D Gowardhan
D Gowardhan
from Raigarh
12 years ago

Do you know if your blogsite is cross browser compatible.

As many of us are using free templates, i find there are issues with our templates and we need to check if our blogsite appears well in all the browsers

check your blogsites compatiblity  here .

I have checked for my website  readitt too and seen that it is not compatible with internet explorer. Does any know how to fix it?


Replies 1 to 1 of 1 Ascending
from Hyderabad
12 years ago

change your theme.

D Gowardhan
from Raigarh
12 years ago

yEAH that was one option but I liked this template very much.

if it is not possible to fix it any way, I shall change the template.
from Hyderabad
12 years ago

noone can fix something if they don't know what's causing the issue.  Have you checked your website in IE?  If it works fine, then just ignore the "compatibility checker".

D Gowardhan
from Raigarh
12 years ago

no my website does not work fine in internet explorer.

pictures are getting distorted.


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