bhanu prakash pandey would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 24

would like a little review on my blog.

bhanu prakash pandey
bhanu prakash pandey
from New Delhi
13 years ago

so as blog's name, its bittersweet life. Its limitless, ubiquotous and is everything a life form is made of.

Replies 1 to 2 of 2
from Pune
13 years ago

My two bits:

1. Look and Feel: Green, soothing and easy on eyes. Gives a very calming effect. Good.

2. Language: Language is good, good to read. Poems are beautiful and the posts have lots of variety. The pictures are beautiful. How about adding a caption to each picture? Will be easier for the readers. BTW am joining you :)

3.  Organization: Needs attention. It will be better if you rezig the placing of your gadgets a bit. Also, the overall length of your blog is a bit too much, takes time to load and more time to scroll. why not limit it to three blogs a page? 

4. More: Where are the archieves or list of your posts/ labels etc? How will we find out what you have been blogging on? Please add them too. 

So that was all from my side. Good Job ! If I had to rate your blog, I will give it 7/10. Improve your settings and it will go up Smile Keep Blogging !

bhanu prakash pandey
bhanu prakash pandey
from New Delhi
13 years ago

Hey buddy

Thanks for spending your valuable time in deeply analysing this blog. 

All points taken. Guess it would be easier if i see it from viewers point and not my own convenience :)

Hope will get a better review from you soon.


Thanks a lot