One blog or many blogs

TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
13 years ago

I write short stories, views on current affairs, satire on current affairs, general philosophy, poetry, book reviews and humorous incidents from personal life. Going ahead I am considering writing on travel and professional stuff on business/management/consulting. I am wondering if I should continue to maintain one blog or have multiple blogs.

The pros as I see it .

  1. I can't post frequently on all topics and what topic I post on would depend on my mood. So my blog would never be starved of content.
  2. I can get readers of multiple interest and overall maintain higher readership for the over all blog.

The cons

  1. Blog would not  have a definite theme and so would not be creating a niche space. Often readers interested in one category will end up posts in areas not in their areas of interest.


Wondering how I should proceed. As of now I have managed by using the page feature of blogger and maintaining the links of my archives of different themes on different pages. Anybody else faced similar issues. Interested in knowing every one's thoughts on it.

Replies 1 to 4 of 4 Ascending
from Hyderabad
13 years ago

@ The Fool:

I have the same problem. Writing on different subjects is definitely an issue because your blog doesn't have a specialty or niche and also SEO is not that great since your topics are so varied and unrelated. All the top blogs focus on just one area or niche (eg: technology, humor, news, Mobiles, sports etc) or even on a niche within a niche (eg:nokia, IOS, Android, tennis shoes, etc).

At the pace with which I am writing, it will take me at least a year or two to reach 200 posts. By then I would know what I am focussed on more than anything and then I MAY start a second blog(or third or fourth).

In time, with enough varied content, I would move the niche content and redirect the relevant pages on the current blog to the same content on the new blog (or blogs). You can use 301 redirect for this.

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

You should specialise in at least one or two areas, current affairs and generalised topics can be useful momentarily.Smile  I too used to write about current affairs in diary form in now got bored of it Lolz

It's a tough thing, I think one should do justice to his creation. I started new one but older one has started calling me names.
TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
13 years ago
Thanks everyone for your feedback. Clearly all of you seem to suggest having multiple blogs if content is not a problem. But content is a problem. Can't write more than 1-2 posts per week for all blogs put together. Umesh, don't know how you manage 8 blogs. I find it very difficult to take time off from work and family for even one blog. Just thinking - Are archive blogs a good idea? As in wait till a critical mass of a particular topic builds up say some 20-30 short stories and then create a seperate blog and move them there? Or are blogs required to be active to get google rank and readership?
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Don t worry about ranking, readership, pen your blogs on different topics and keep it active, i believe it is easy to have 3 blogs, one is photoblog, videoblog and general blog, rest will depend on the subject and contentSmile  Please remember blogging is for your satisfaction primarily and than for others. 

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago
I have around 8 blogs in different category, 5 are listed on Indiblogger profile, you can check it out. The categories are interlinked photoblog, video blog, travel blog ( indiabackpacker ) marketing blog and finally movie review blog.

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