Tikulli would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://tikulicious.wordpress.com ] IndiRank: 47

Please review my blog

from Delhi
15 years ago

Hello friends I have just joined this cool community through a blogger friend. I would love it if all of you review my writings and give me your suggestions and comments so that I can work on them ..hoping to hear from you .

cheers and happy blogging Cool


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Replies 21 to 40 of 40
from Varanasi
15 years ago

Blog is wonderful so was the post for Induslady...

from Delhi
15 years ago

Thanks Sourish .. did you vote :) for me for the article you are talking about.

here is the link for all

TIKULI spinning a yarn of Life


from Delhi
15 years ago

Spinning the Yarn

Another of my blog on blogger.com  mainly for the links to my writings on other sites.

from Delhi
15 years ago

Hello friends I have reached the top ten of the IndusLadies blog contest please vote for me for the first placee here

TIKULI spinning a yarn of life

I need full support so pass the link to all the friends please. thanks a ton .

from Delhi
15 years ago

Thanks for reviewing my stuff Doc :) Your two cents are worth a pot of gold for me. :)

well! I am too lazy to change all that templet n stuff and i want something that is not too attractive as it takes away the readers attention ..what say ?

do review my other blog also ..


Rajnish Kumar
Rajnish Kumar
from Bangalore
15 years ago

What I like about this template is that it tempts the reader to read more posts.The excerpt and read more feature are helpful tools.

You are writing on a variety of topics which is good and bad.It will get you a variety of audience but very few serious comments.There are a lot of people who will just say "hey Great post.Good Blog which does not mean a thing.

I liked your story about your mom.All the best for the contest.

from Delhi
15 years ago

Hi Rajnish

thanks for visiting my blog. Well I write because it is a passion with me.Comments are a welcome thing and  everything has it's positive and negative points.

Thanks for appreciating the Mother's day post. I am on 4th place because it is a network based contest not writing based so Who ever has better networking wins. :)

My post was picked up by BlogAdda and look at the comments there. It is what matters.

Do review my additional blog too :)



from Noida
15 years ago

Hey Tikuli

Thanks for stopping by my blog.....

I have read both of your blogs and I know that this is not the place for writing a review for both but I suppose it will be fine...

For the wordpress one I think its just fine, you don't need to worry too much and just go on taking the challenges you intend to take. Your blog is an excellent mix of everything. From some normal stuff to some great informative bits...

For the blogger one I think since you want to provide links to your write ups. Instead of giving the links you could give snippets and attach one of those read more or any other phrase that you like at the bottom of every snippet and then link that to the site you want the readers to go to because I think that will give it a more personal feel... I think a simple hyperlink could do that...

I hope this helps, I am following you on wordpress...

from Delhi
15 years ago

Hello frinds

I have just started a Hindi section in my wordpress blog

Moti jeewan ke

please read and review it .. I need suggestions from all those who write or understand Hindi ..

thanks a ton

cheers !!!!!!!!


Anil Kant
Anil Kant
from Faridabad
15 years ago

Lovely poem…nice writing and deep emotions

i like it

NitiN Kumar Jain
NitiN Kumar Jain
from New Delhi
15 years ago

Excellent collection .... Keep up the good work ...

-Nitin (http://nkjlive.com)

from Delhi
15 years ago

Hello friends

 I have updated my blog and there is a hindi section too now. Please drop by and give me your valuable suggestions and review the blog.



from Delhi
15 years ago

My blogs have been updated .do take a look .. review, critique and help me improve.

from Bangalore
15 years ago

I checked your blog and was impressed by the blog's theme. I will check out the posts and leave my opinion about them in the comments section.

from Delhi
15 years ago

Thanks Nethra will visit your blog too :)


onesimpletech ..will do so in sometime. thank you


visit my other blog too and review

from Delhi
15 years ago

I am thinking of changing the name of my blog for the simple reason that both the blogs have similar names. Do give your suggestions .

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Hi Tikulli,


Nice blog keep  on  writing :)

from Delhi
13 years ago

Thank you Vishal. Sorry for this delayed reply. 

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Everything looks good except that very long sidebar.

What they meant when looks can kill

from Delhi
13 years ago

I have made some changes to the blog .Please review it again. Will check out yours soon. 

from Delhi
12 years ago

Alright folks. I need an honest blog review here. Neglected to follow it up. Please feel free to suggest. 

from Delhi
11 years ago

Been long since I visited this thread. Would love more suggestions and comments regarding my blog. So who is game for this challenge :D ? 

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