Arti would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 77

Please Review my Travel blog :)

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Looking for honest reviews on my Travel blog.

Update 6th Jan, 2013: Changed the look of my blog with a new header and all, please do take some time and tell me about it! Smile

Feel free to write your suggestions, feedback or anything else that you can think of to make it better.

Edited 10 years ago
Reason: Update
Replies 21 to 40 of 105
Vandana Natu
Vandana Natu
from New Delhi
13 years ago

Very focussed blog. Like it very much for many reasons but one of them is that you post regularly and honestly with a detailed review of the place. Pictures help a lot too. The labels make it very easy to browse. All the best for your next travel :)

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Thanks Vandana for your encouragementSmile

Jayendra Sharan
Jayendra Sharan
from Jamshedpur
13 years ago


One thing i would like to tell you, i am not going to visit these places personally for sure, but i can visit them on your blog. I think i should tell you thanks.

You can visit my blog if you want, its related about my fundays at my hostel.


Thanks again

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Thanks JayendraSmile Hope you visit these places through my blog...

Reviewed yours too and loved it!!

from Thiruvananthapuram
13 years ago

This blog does not seem to need a review as already it is quite popular !!

The information you share is really useful to a prospective traveller.

Nice to get in touch with another travel blogger as I too maintains a travel blog at

The blog is just one year old and you have a good Alexa rank too.  Keep blogging and it will surely  attract more visitors !!

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Neither do youTongue out

Anyways you too have a lovely blog.. Just commented on it...

Maybe I could learn a thing or two from itSmile

lots of content.. one can spend days in it.. hmm.. wish I have time and money to visit all those places.. really after reading blogs like yours makes me wonder, one life time is not enough to know and travel the entire country :(

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Yes to visit a country like India one lifetime is not enough!!!

Vijay Kumar Sharma
Vijay Kumar Sharma
from Noida
13 years ago

I must say : "Attractive blog with wonderful details"

Loved various places you have shared on your blog... Recently I got a chance to visit Manimahesh in Himachal Pradesh and would suggest you to go their sometime... Do inform me in case you need some local information... I would be more than happy to help you out at any place in Himachal... Don't feel I am doing some marketing :)

I am a software professional, who belongs to Himachal, so I have some sources there ;)

In case you want to know more about Manimahesh, check out few photographs @

+ VJ

"Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternative"


from Mumbai
13 years ago

Those were great pics... I will contact you in case I am travelling to those neck of the woods!!

from Hyderabad
13 years ago

Hey Arti, nice posts with brilliant background and fascinating pictures. Is the title picture, taken in Haridwar or Rishikesh, can't remember the place. I too travel a lot, and I have visited almost all the places that you have mentioned, excluding most of the temples. Anyways nice posts altogether. A piece of unwanted advice. Are you visiting only religious places? Because I would suggest, you visit the North Eastern states. Jaw dropping beauty ... waiting to be discovered. And for photographers like you ... you would surely love those ...


Do leave a comment on the junk my brain's churning ....

from Hyderabad
13 years ago

Read in place of

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Thanks... North east has long been on my wish-list... Maybe one day, I will visit it!!

from Nj, US
13 years ago


Nice blog  with lots of pictures and well done. My suggestion is to change the template into attracting one. So that all the photos  and texts will look great. Good job Keep it up.


from Mumbai
13 years ago

Will do that very shortly Smile

from Chennai
13 years ago

Hi Arti,


Its an interesting blog that u've got. Do try to increase the width of your post. It would bring more prominance to your posts. Also, your pics could be more prominent....more pics of people associated with each place would also be interesting...

Do check out my travel blog at

Looking forward to your comments & happy blogging


from Mumbai
13 years ago
Will do that shortly, thanks...
Santosh BS
Santosh BS
from Bangalore
13 years ago



I would suggest...

1. change the template (the size doesn't seem to fit!)

2. Add bigger photographs...

3. Add labels and tags for each post

4. Move the subscription bar to the top right hand side above all

5. Present some temples / shrines in montones, I personally think they would add a lot of appeal...

6. Include more information on not so famous temples and locations to make it more popular on the web.


Overall you have got a neat compilation...

Happy blogging!



You may want to have a look and possibly review my blog at

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Will change the template shortly and also put us the labels... Thanks for the review:)
from Pune
13 years ago

Went through your blog Arti. Loved it. I like the way you put in lots of pictures. How about including a bit of info on how far the place is from the from the nearest city/town?

Also the background seems at odds with the character of your blog.

BTW.. We're off to Gir, Gujarat next week.. any pointers? Smile

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Thanks a lot Tulika... I will change the template shortly and I already include the distance of places... The pointers to the Gujrat trip are written on your review section!!

I have been visiting this blog often.

travelogues written in utmost clarity and simplicity. 

Amust read blog for a travel enthusiast.

just a little jazzyness in blog ambience would lead it to new heights.

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Thanks Pramodji... You will see a bit of jazziness (at least I think so), in a few days... Do come back to review again!!
Prasad Np
Prasad Np
from Delhi / Gurgaon
13 years ago

I liked the photos on your blog, they appear fresh and real and capture India in its real glory.


from Mumbai
13 years ago
Thanks Prasad...
Panchali Sengupta
Panchali Sengupta
from Kolkata
13 years ago

That was a beautiful travelogue Arti :-) Great narration. Enjoyed going through the photographs.

So you had a holy dip in Sangam. Touch me that I get some sprinkle of  blessings too !! Tongue out 

 I'd wanted to visit the place...but when I see the constant flow of pilgrims, I loose interest.  

Loved the blog.Thanks for sharing...


from Mumbai
13 years ago

Thanks a lot PanchaliSmile

Panchali Sengupta
Panchali Sengupta
from Kolkata
13 years ago


I wanted to visit the place last year ...but when I saw the constant flow of pilgrims on TV, I lost interest. 


from Bangalore
13 years ago

Hey Arti! Hey Arti! Hey!

(I'll try not 2 b mean ;))

At the onset, let me say what I think are some of the good things (there obviously r many but just highlighting the Top Of Mind ones):

1. Your blog is phenomenally popular (definitely more popular than mine :P) 

2. You like travelling to relegious places so it'll be easy for u 2 bring about constant updates.

3. You are lookin fr feedback which is really a great thing. (Bravo Arti, Bravo!)


Now for the areas where I feel u could bring bout improvements. Please note that these r nt negetives (Pls also note tht I hv not yet brought out the mean side of me) :

1. Ur blog is titled "My Yatra Diary" though I dont see u. Anywhere. :) My suggestion is try personalizing ur blog with pics f u so tht ppl readin the blog cn put a face to the'll help 2 relate 2 ur write up better. 

2. Try thinking urself "why wud anyone want to go2Arti's blog 2 read on Magh Mela?" Mentally try gettin answers to this question. Try this exercise n hopefully u cud cum up wid ways 2 better ur blog.  I'm sure a lotta ppl wud've gone 2 the places which u've chronicled. Some of them mite even hv a blog2capture their experiences. Hell, sum of em cud hv even taken better pics. (See, nw my mean side is surfacin - wish u cud see my pointed evil eye brows n my forked tail :)). So y wud anyone wanna cum to Arti's blog 2 read on dis rather thn choose the others?  So try 2 bring out ur own experiences in it.  Maybe an interestin fact or a personal story tht happened 2 u when u were thr, in adition 2 ur experience. 

3. Try bringing out tips fr travellin 2 tht place so tht a person who mite wanna go der cn get tips as 2 mayb whr 2 eat, whr 2 stay, how much wud it take fr a person 2 go around, wht r the othr areas of suggested tourism, must see places  etc etc.

Well, hope dis helps. Always a pleasure criticizing others ;)

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Thanks for that review...

As for the negatives -

1. I love the annonymity that the virtual world offers and feel that the readers are more interestred in reading about the experiences and getting a feel of the place rather than see who is writing the article!!

2. Thats a valid point, will keep in mind in the future...

3. I already give those details, perhaps you missed those posts!!

from Chennai
13 years ago

Pictures are good but I couldn't get myself to read the stuff. Probably, make up you mind on whether this should be a photo blog with some texts or textual blog with some pictures.

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Thanks Vijay.

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Its a mix of both actuallySmile

Kumar Nair
Kumar Nair
from Trivandrum
13 years ago

Aarti..Use a photo editor which will have option called save image for web.It will load the image faster.Sign in for google tools (here) to check performance of your blog..You have improved your blog a lot and continue to do that.See if you can take some cues from my blog as I am also in tweaking mode for last 15 days. (I just brought my own domain)

from Mumbai
13 years ago

I will try using the photo editor, though i really dont know how to go about it?

I have already signed in for the webmaster tools and get a lot of info there. thanks for reviewing my blog and Congrats on your independent domainSmile

Arti ji, firstly congo on great makeover. I have added your blog to my fav. blog list now. I don't know why I had missed doing it earlier. 

pics u can use ismushit. before loading. it doesn't downgrade the pic quality and makes it faster to upload.

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Thanks a lot PramodJi for taking the time out to review again. i was looking forward to hear from you! Glad you liked it :)

What is 'ismushit'.. Type mistake, i guess ?