Sets You On Fire! (137)
KFC Fiery Chicken Against Corruption!!! - This is an unimaginable use of wisom after eating KFC Fiery Chicken...Its..Hoooott..and smart..49
The Mischief Monger - My encounter with a mischief monger who messed up my life for few hours.The fiery me which got me out of the situation. Read it36
The Price - My fiction submission for the KFC 'Sets you on fire' contest.39
Fiery event Portrayed… Design perspective! - Knocking a fiery invite! For a friendly competition by defined identities, after the turn out of acquisition & consumption option :)… towards exhibition of some rationale descriptions...36
Startle, Rattle and Battle - My aunt arrived in Mumbai en route to Paris to attend my sister's childbirth in 2001. Alas our sleep was broken by a telephonic ring tone. My aunt received the bad news that her son-in-law was...25
The day I fell in love with life - a pinch of dare loads of foolishness = a lesson learned for lifetime27
“Rocky” the side kick and me to the... - The day when i knew how it feels to be hero and teamed up with an unusual companion to become one.40