Do you aspire to be a published author someday?

Sameer Kamat
Sameer Kamat
from Mumbai
12 years ago

It has been a pretty long journey for me, from being an 'aspiring' author to getting my first book published by a top-tier publishing house. Here's a little more about the book, the publisher and some reviews - 'Beyond The MBA Hype'.

International publishers and agents had rejected the book (citing concerns about market viability for such a topic, unusual writing style, first-time author's brand/track-record etc). After the Indian publisher released it, the book got featured in the Times of India bestsellers list and the first print-run has been sold out in under 3 months.

I'm guessing there are many bloggers out here who have the potential to be published authors someday. I thought this thread would be a good way to discover them.

So calling all potential authors who have seriously been contemplating the idea of writing a full-fledged book or considering a career in the publishing industry.

Share your ideas about the book and what makes you the right author for that book. Who knows, maybe some hot-shot editor may stumble upon this thread. So keep it short and sweet.

Update: I've launched a free online mini MBA program that might interest you. You can read more about mini MBA programs.  

Edited 10 months ago
Reason: Update
Replies 1 to 20 of 36 Ascending
Sameer Kamat
Sameer Kamat
from Mumbai
10 months ago

Logging in after over a decade. Any old-timers still here? What have you been up to?

Abhsihek Boinapalli
Abhsihek Boinapalli
from Hyderabad
11 years ago

Of-course I intend to be published author ..


and that too someone as successful as J. K. Rowling / C. W. Lewis / ...



My book?? Yeah, I have a theme .. I started writing .. and it is still going on!!

sweta tiwary
sweta tiwary
from bangalore
12 years ago

Yes!! like most of us bloggers I too want to be a published writer one day. I love to write short stories on my blog, and when people love them, It motivates me alot.

Some how my job and personal commitments are keeping me very busy now. But I am sure, whenever I will get chance, I will take a break from my job and try to write a novel. Hope my dream will come true

Sameer Kamat
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Hi Sweta,

If you wait for the big break (from work), it'll continue to be pushed into the future. It's easier to keep the efforts going one small step at a time.

Here are some suggestions on how to write a book and FINISH it.

Sameer Kamat
Sameer Kamat
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Sharing an interesting experience that might be helpful for aspiring authors hoping to get their books some visibility --> New writers and authors - Ready to be a book salesman?


TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

I am also thinking of trying to get published. I have written 10-15 short stories and 10-15 poems on my blog. I had a popular bride hunt series on my blog. I am wondering of any of this can become a book. One of my friends who has already published 2 books is offering me to co-author a book with him. (Don't know if he will find a publisher a third time). Another friend liked my blog - says he knows publishers. Asking me to make a book proposal. I am wondering how to go about making a proposal.

Sameer Kamat
from Mumbai
12 years ago

On the About page, I liked your explanation for choosing the name 'Lucifer House' :-)

The co-author route generally works for non-fiction. I was 'advised' by a respected editor to seek out co-authors who had a better brand that would sell my book.

Writing tends to be more of a solitary effort. For most authors, it is about personal b*****ng. In your case, if you are focussing on fiction, why are you keen on partnering with another author? Probably there are genuine reasons that I'm not aware of, but I'd have the same question for the other side as well. If your friend already has 2 books published, why would he want to partner with a new author and dilute his established brand?

The other option seems more attractive. Getting your friend's contact to get your proposal in front of the right person, so it gets a serious review.

On your question about making a book proposal, the general approach is to first send across a query letter. Here's a primer on how to write query letters. For non-fiction projects, the publisher or agent might ask for a proposal. I wrote one for my book as well. There's too much detail to share here. I'll write more about it on one of my blog posts. So keep an eye out for that.

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Thanks a lot, Sameer. I will check out the link. Also waiting for the post on proposals on your blog. Mine would be fiction only. But too lazy to compile entire manuscript without a strong assurance of being published.

Reason I want co-author is because I thought he may have better publisher contacts. Reason he wants to co-author is beacuse he thinks I write better and he can sell the book on the strength of my writing.

Will contact you for more info if I proceed further seriously on the publishing route.

Sameer Kamat
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Not sure why that word ('personal brand' + 'ing') got automatically beeped out in my last response. Forum software being extra cautious? :-)

Coming to your point, for fiction most publishers would expect the manuscript to be complete, though they might ask you only for the first few chapters to get a taste of what you have to offer. Unless you are a published author, they wouldn't know which way the book end. There are other commercial aspects that come into picture when they are evaluating proposals. More on that in the detailed post.

P.S. Thanks for adding me to to your Indiblogger network.

from Bangalore
12 years ago

Congratulations for getting the book published. How was the struggle in getting the book published? I sent  my books to two publishers but got no response for them so started a website and then a blog.

My book "Money awareness for Children" is targeted at teaching yound adults:Kids above 10+ on money related stuff such as currency, credit cards, banks, mythology which is right now available for free download from

One can see the excerpts at


Sameer Kamat
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Thanks, bro! It was quite a struggle and a long wait to get my book published. The publishing industry moves VERY slowly. So it requires a lot of patience.

If you've already posted your book on your website for free downloads, it might be tough for traditional publishers to consider it again. But you could explore other avenues. For instance, here's a story about an author who self-published and promoted her first book and made a killing.

Just be aware that in India such stories are rare. But when the conventional options aren't opening up, never hurts to try variations, right?


Sameer Kamat
Sameer Kamat
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Santa Claus brought me a little gift, in the form of a good news about my MBA book - 'Beyond The MBA Hype'. The first print-run got sold off in under 3 months and it's currently in the reprint phase. I felt I should share this with my Indiblogger friends who've been so supportive.

Hope Santa's got exciting presents in store for you too. May your literary dreams get converted into reality soon.

Merry Christmas Christmas everyone!


Ankita chadha
from Indore
12 years ago

Congratulations! :-)

Sameer Kamat
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Thanks, Ankita. Trying to get into your league :-)What's the latest update on your book?

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Congrats, dude.

Ankita chadha
from Indore
12 years ago

Second edition is out. It's doing well. :-)

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Author...not really... but i've been invited as editor and proof reader for a couple of books. (first amongst the lot is about to be released in early 2012).

I guess, I'm much better at review and editing rather than actually authoring. I see a lot of people here who are interested in writing... if any of you are interested in getting a proofreader and reviewer for your manuscripts do contact me.Laughing I'll be more than happy to help out.

Firoze Shakir
Firoze Shakir
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Hi Sameer you have one great following here I like your style your humungous humility above all every artist blogger needs good guidance and advise and creativity is a fruit that God ultimately wants us to share with others and if this fruit brings in funds it adds to the quality of the lives of our loved ones ..for photographers means to upgrade ther equipment etc etc..


I am a poet photographer chronicler photo journalism blog..I am an authority in documenting the Life of The Hijra - Laxmi Narayan Tripathi in the Big Boss house is my Hijra Guru, many told me to come out with a coffe table but I could never think of seeing the poetry of their lifes pain as a embellishment to a rich mans life and status I gave it up... I need to upgrade my camera but the Lord provides .. we all are swimming against the tide one way or the other .. the blog is a cathrasis and self heals too,..


Will surely meet you one of these days Thanks Bro..

Sameer Kamat
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Firoze bhai, what you do is unique and amazing. We hope and pray that your efforts bear the fruits they deserve.

from Sharjah
12 years ago

i clicked , i saw and i was conquered.

thanks for the tips , sameer

Sameer Kamat
from Mumbai
12 years ago

I've answered your queries in the comments section, buddy.

Hope your conquests continue.

Sairam Rajamani
Sairam Rajamani
from Bangalore
12 years ago


I just read about you and your book. Congrats! You have published a book before completing MBA. Great going.

You are right. It is the hunger to write. I have started six book in just ten thousand words :). I start as a book and end it as a post. But I am going to sit through and finish a book one of these days.


I like your site.  I just subscribed to it. It is very helpful for somebody who wants to get published.

Sameer Kamat
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Thanks for joining the party, Sairam.

With your efforts and Ankita's super-potent literary tips, it's only a matter of time before your book gets published.

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

I hope E publishing will be the way out in future, with books priced less than Rs 100, Inorder to maintain a hard copy library it requires a lot of effort and maintainence.  Smile

Sameer Kamat
from Mumbai
12 years ago

You are right, Umesh. E-publishing is a big industry abroad.

In India, if we can address piracy and IPR protection issues, I'm sure there's a huge potential.

from Sharjah
12 years ago

i really want  some publisher to publish my articles into a series of books, thereby making me rich and soon hated enough to be assasinated by some religious nut... can only dream.

i too didnt click your offence...iam not looking for a career in publishing, iam already in one...i want someone to make me his career...any tips? 

Sameer Kamat
Sameer Kamat
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Not sure if I shared this earlier, but here's an interview with another published Indiblogger author - Ankita Chadha, author of 'Anything Else But Love'. Bumped into her on this very thread :-)

For others who are hoping to get published someday, see if you can get some tips from Ankita.

I'm sure she won't mind a few 'thank you for sharing' comments under her interview :-)

Sairam Rajamani
Sairam Rajamani
from Bangalore
12 years ago


Congratulations on your success!

I have an 'wishful' author for a long time now. I never sat to write it.

So I started my blog put in some committed effort. But now, I am kinda stuck in the mode of getting my blog popular :-)

But funnily enough, I think I have found my strength in the process of blogging. I have got some good reviews and people say that I am really funny. So I am kinda tossing around couple of ideas for a book.

I really liked your website. I found your posts about literary agents very useful. I hope you will add more detailed info to help aspiring authors like us.

Good luck.


Sameer Kamat
from Mumbai
12 years ago


Thanks for your wishes!

I just checked out your blog. I liked the concept of blending regular content with comic strips. Just a thought. The humour and the content is all there, but the 'stick men' may not be the best way to package it.

Do you think you could get one of your artistic friends to create the strips for you while you provide him/her with the idea? More folks might link to it and share it. Good for your blog as well as building your online credibility.

Good luck with '22, going on 33'. If you are planning to approach regular publishers, you might want to start perfecting the art of witing query letters to get literary agents or publishers.


Ankita chadha
from Indore
12 years ago


There is only one thing needed to get published, and that is the urge to write. The passion you have, the zeal with which you work, should refelct in your writing.

I saw your blog, you can do a lot more when it comes to writing books. So go ahead with the idea of writing one.

I have authored 'Anything Else But Love', and Sameer has put up an interview about my publishing journey on his website. I request you to go through it. Feel free to ask anything. :-)

Sujatha Sathyendra
Sujatha Sathyendra
from bangalore
12 years ago

oops....pls ignore the above mail.  hadnt noticed ur reply :((

Sujatha Sathyendra
Sujatha Sathyendra
from bangalore
12 years ago

hmm dont even know if i can even begin to think on those , publishing & all

but anyways, my blog is

do make time n let me know what u think of it. at least i can improve there :)

from Bangalore
12 years ago

Hey Sameer, I had asked u before on ur blog but maybe u missed it: but is there any way I can contact u?


Sameer Kamat
from Mumbai
12 years ago

I've sent you an email on your ID, buddy.

from Bangalore
12 years ago

Thnx Sameer :)

Sameer Kamat
Sameer Kamat
from Mumbai
12 years ago

@Vasundhara: It was a looong wait...several years. There were a lot of rejections along the way. I realised my mistakes as I went along and changed strategies. Patience and continuous learning are two aspects that are very important.

If you can't get publishers to take you seriously, see if you can get a good literary agent to represent you.

V Kashyap
from Chennai
12 years ago

Thats what I was thinking about. Because I've sent it to just two publishers now and haven't heard anything. So I thought that it would be best to get a literary agent. Thanks for the tip. 

Sujatha Sathyendra
from bangalore
12 years ago

thank u for taking the time to go thru my blog

appreciate it very much :)

Sujatha Sathyendra
Sujatha Sathyendra
from bangalore
12 years ago

aspire ? yesss. but alas...ah...i dont even know if i can even think on those lines yet . this is my blog


Sameer Kamat
from Mumbai
12 years ago

@Sujatha: Blogging is a great way to set the ball rolling. Gives you an exposure to all the elements involved in the publishing cycle, albeit on varying scales (depending on how seriously you are taking your blogging efforts).

I see that you've collected a lot of badges. So there are folks out there who like what you write :-)

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