Blog not showing in Search result

Sandhya Sharma
Sandhya Sharma
from Jaipur
6 years ago

Hi ! Few days back, my blog was on 1st page, 1 st position, but suddenly disappeared. Can anyone help me to find out the reason ?

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Sandhya Sharma
Sandhya Sharma
from Jaipur
6 years ago

Thank you. Maybe, my niche is food. Lot of competition.

from Jamshedpur
6 years ago

Do you mean your blog homepage does not appear in the search result first page but your social pages do with certain keywords...?

Then you need to work in keywords...

You need to choose best keywords and meta description...all keywords are not same and possible there is more competition in your niche.

Sandhya Sharma
Sandhya Sharma
from Jaipur
6 years ago

Home page.

from Kerala
6 years ago

Are you telling about the blog homepage or specific page?

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