KFC Sets You On Fire!

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
12 years ago

Another contest is up - with awesome Croma & KFC vouchers! Hope you all like the topic! Smile

Replies 61 to 80 of 194 Descending
Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
12 years ago

For those wondering about the stamp mentioning Gurgaon, as mentioned by Vineet - "The Gurgaon Address is the corporate address, which is also the company stamp/seal. Please redeem the voucher at any outlet; and there is no reason why anyone could or should refuse it! Happy Eating!"


from hyderabad
12 years ago

Thanks Renie for the information. Smile

Gautam Maitra
from Ahmedabad
12 years ago

@renie Is KFC voucher distribution ceremony  over? - there are quite a few including me  waitng for the Blue Dart Boy's knock on the door. :) . Once that's over bloggers here can start their focus on the contest. :)

from hyderabad
12 years ago

distribution ceremony !!! InnocentSmile

 There are many more people who are waiting for their vouchers. I don't think that it is over. Just divide your attention between the distribution ceremony and the contest so thgat your entry would cme out before 10th. Smile

from hyderabad
12 years ago

thgat > that

Nishant Gupta
Nishant Gupta
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Yayyy!!! got my vouchers today and my parents coming over for a visit coming weekend... Will take them out for a chicken feast! Thank you KFC!

from hyderabad
12 years ago

KFC voucher seemed to have arrived at the right moment. Have a good time with your parents. Smile

Subhorup Dasgupta
Subhorup Dasgupta
from Hyderabad
12 years ago

Got my voucher. Have never written/blogged for a contest ever, but after getting the voucher, thought it only fair to stick an entry in. Wrote "what your heart tells you to," taking The Fool's advice, and am extremely worried. I myself do not understand some of the things that my heart tells me to write, how can I expect others to do the same? What I wrote reads like a poor imitation of barthelme and vonnegut crossbred on a mechanized farm! But at the end of it, I had a nice time (understatement) writing it, and with the KFC voucher (once they get used), it is a party all the way!!

from hyderabad
12 years ago

I couldn't understand one small thing after raeding your reply: Are you participating or not? Innocent

from hyderabad
12 years ago

voucher, voucher and voucher.Innocent Hope that the contest doesn't receive too many entries Tongue out

Sanchari Bhattacharya
Sanchari Bhattacharya
from Kolkata
12 years ago

when are the results of this KFC contest coming out? any idea people?

from hyderabad
12 years ago

Let the entries be displayed first Tongue out

from hyderabad
12 years ago

It might take anywhere between one week and one month or even greater than that. 

from hyderabad
12 years ago

It might take anywhere between one week and one month or even greater than that after the end of the contest

Thousif Raza M.B
from Bangalore
12 years ago

LOl and ranjith :P

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Let the contest begin first. Then its a long long wait for the results...
from hyderabad
12 years ago

Well said DS 

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Its always like this...
priyanka jayaraj
priyanka jayaraj
from bangalore
12 years ago

I recently posted a write up for this contest but i dont even see a trace of it ever since.. is the contest already in action or yet to take off?how will i know the amount of visibility on my writing?

from hyderabad
12 years ago

Entries will be made public from the 26th of December....

Thousif Raza M.B
from Bangalore
12 years ago

@ ranjith: how did u get that news?

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Thousif Raza M.B
from Bangalore
12 years ago

they must have just changed it, because i saw the date being 19th like 10 minutes ago. Anyway hope good entries come in this one and i for finally win something. :P If you count, this is my 5th competition where i am participating. I so wanna win :P

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Raza Bhai we are in the same boat... I too have not won anything... Lets hope for the best this time:)
from Mumbai
12 years ago
Raza Bhai one more thing, I would only love to be in the top three as I am a vegetarian!! So Only the croma voucher is of use for me...
from hyderabad
12 years ago

May be the target wasn't meant and they wished to delay the showing up of entries....

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Yeah - maybe the KFC voucher prizes not exciting for vegeterians. I know now KFC sells veg items as well but still KFC has a non veg image in mind of vegeterians.

@DS & Raza - I have also participated in 5 contests so far. Won nothing. This is my 6th. But winning is doubtful as once I again I have though outside the box while all the prizes are lying inside the box. I will read all the winning entries of Surf excel, Dove and KFC and next time post a proper conformist goodie goodie post conforming to all rules and regulations next time and try to win. I have won at Blog Junta, Blog Adda, Blog-a-ton and Cafe Ginger Chai. Only Indiblogger I have won nothing to date. 

from hyderabad
12 years ago

* meant > met 

from hyderabad
12 years ago

That's great @ The Fool Hope that you win your prize soon Smile All the best!

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Thanks for the encouraging words @ The Fool. Hope we win something this time atleast... Will surely read your post:)
Gautam Maitra
from Ahmedabad
12 years ago

@priyanka @thousif  best wishes for the contest

Thousif Raza M.B
from Bangalore
12 years ago

@ gautam : thx :) :)

Abhirup Bhattacharya
Abhirup Bhattacharya
from Kolkata
12 years ago

when is the last date to submit entry... as my exams are presently on will be participating in this one Cool

from Mumbai
12 years ago
There is still time... Since the entries will be displayed on the 26th the end date too will be postponed... I think the contest should run by the 20th of January... Its a safe guess...
from hyderabad
12 years ago

There is still a lot more time left and you can submit your entry even in the last few days. All the best for your exams. Smile

Gautam Maitra
from Ahmedabad
12 years ago

jan mid -enough time :))

from hyderabad
12 years ago

Hope that you give your best! Smile

Rachna Parmar
Rachna Parmar
from Bangalore
12 years ago

I redeemed my KFC voucher at Meenakshi Mall, Bangalore yesterday. I loved the Fiery Grilled Chicken. Thank you KFC and Indiblogger.

from hyderabad
12 years ago

Hope that you had a good time Smile

Gautam Maitra
Gautam Maitra
from Ahmedabad
12 years ago

I am just thinking - why fools always get into sticky situation and mostly get struck. But it's also true that fools hardy create a sticky situation - they are a happy go lucky lot. Fools often become as a prey in this harsh complex world of greed, ambition and selfishness

Just sharing a few thougts to elicit more thoughts from u all - trying to conceive a plot

from hyderabad
12 years ago

To which Fool are you referring? Smile

Gautam Maitra
Gautam Maitra
from Ahmedabad
12 years ago

 I would luv to see that the champs should definitely participate - that's democracy but I would luv the winners do a real critical acclaim - good and bad both so that the writers can improve and overcome the glitches.  Here what we mostly see is voting and sweet one liner commnents - but what as a creative writers each one would feel disered is a real post mortem - a review sort of. That I did find in some writers site in the west and each come up better. 

First I should luv my own - if I dont ....I shouldnt expect a prize. I often dont like mine - i feel to rewrite again ... may be other may not feel that way. :)

Thousif Raza M.B
from Bangalore
12 years ago

I totally agree... i've submitted 2 entries. Goutam check mine and i'll check ur's and i'll give honest commenst deal. ok?

from Mumbai
12 years ago
I will check out your entries and give my unbiased comments Raza Bhai. Hope you will too check out my posts:) All the Best:)
Thousif Raza M.B
from Bangalore
12 years ago

@ DS: i'll check ur entry and give a unbiased view :) promise :)

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Thanks man!!
from Mumbai
12 years ago
@ Tousif Bhai Checked and commented on both your posts. I loved both of them but I think that MI one has a better chance of winning... Also there is a small mistake in the other post. "She has gone out on a holiday, and by the WAY why are you inside my house" You have forgotten that way while writing the post... All the Best:)
Thousif Raza M.B
from Bangalore
12 years ago

@ DS thank you so much for reading and commenting and even helping me correct the mistakes :). You are awesome waiting for your post :) will read and comment as soon as it comes out :)

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Mention not friend!! And will let you know when the post is out... Hopefully pretty soon:)
from hyderabad
12 years ago

That was a good entry Thousif... I wonder how many people around you had to miss a movie because of your sharp mind... Smile

All the best! Smile

Gautam Maitra
Gautam Maitra
from Ahmedabad
12 years ago

@thousif - oh sure dude!! I wud luv that...and sure to do a fair unbiased review - only matter of copnstraint is time.IWriting one liner to 50 entires on one night is easy. But to read and review is a  matter of responsibility - cause I owe to my fellow writer for making him come up .

Once long back I had participated in a western comp where the entry condition was that each contestant had to write a review of each of the other entries. Then the judges finalises.Very exciting it was.

I had attended couple of other online contests where entries were on a smaller scale - where a selected few bloggers dont join the comp and act as judges and each of the judges declare the winners with their comments. The points summed up by all the judhges matter in the end. In that contest, some very intersting points came up. While one judge selected mine as the top rank while two others didnot rank it in top 5 for other considerations. That's how opinion may vary on entries. Bonus for us is, this interaction and to realise that by the swear of a contest, I have one more article in my kitty.  Articles are like soft clay. You can create as many models out of that as possible - provided you desire to and have the time and the right place to sit down and write.Cheers for the deal is struck. :)

Thousif Raza M.B
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Ok yaar i will read ur entry and give a review too :) wiating for the entries to be seen :) very excited :)

Farida Rizwan
Farida Rizwan
from Bangalore
12 years ago

DS, you are kind of over confident about me. I am sorry that I cannot live up to your expectations :). Let me tell you my secret. Whenever I am asked to write on a topic, I sit down and see how it is connected to my life. I go into the past. Fortunately or unfortunately there have been so many things happening in my life that there is no dearth for stories. Being born a girl with club foot, childhood problems, cancer, losing Mom and Sister to cancer, bringing up a special needs child and above all being rebelious in nature (against discrimination, religion etc) have all contributed generously to the spicy events called my life. My blog itself is about sharing those experiences with readers who care to read it. Whenever there is a contest, all I do is just go back and pick up a part of my life and bring it out in words. It comes more from my heart than my head. Finally I can assure you that I can give away all those prizes and be some unknown on indiblogger for not having to go through that mess I have been through. 

from Mumbai
12 years ago
You are a brave brave women Farida ji, truly appreciate your fighting qualities. Inspiration for many how to never give up no matter what difficulties we face. *SALUTE*
from hyderabad
12 years ago

Your life seems to be filled with struggle... And we really need to appreciate the way you have fought against all odds. I wish thjat your life moves smootly from now onwards... Smile

Farida Rizwan
from Bangalore
12 years ago

With the love and support from Indibloggers like you... like is skidding smoothly. :)

from chennai
12 years ago

even i haven't received KFC voucher yet ....

Farida Rizwan
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Me too

from hyderabad
12 years ago

You will receive tyhem soon. If it takes too long, simply contact the IndiTeam using this link: Contact us / get support

Farida Rizwan
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Got the voucher .. now to eat the fiery chicken and come up with a post. LOL

Namrata Mahalingam
Namrata Mahalingam
from Hyderabad
12 years ago

I got my voucher too! And the date says 30/6/12! Laughing

from hyderabad
12 years ago

I think that no one else has got a voucher which is valid as long as yours is. Smile

Sampath Bhoompally
from Hyderabad
12 years ago

YEah ur lucky..i still dint get any voucher..

from hyderabad
12 years ago

@ Sampath You too will surely get your voucher. Smile

from hyderabad
12 years ago

At last, the focus is gradually shifting to the contest! Smile

from Bengaluru
12 years ago

Awesome contest! :D And the best part is I'd one experince just last sunday! Now let me see i can give words to that day. Good lucks me! :P



from hyderabad
12 years ago

Hope that you will be able to describe those wonderful moments experienced by you in words. All the best Naveen Smile

from Bengaluru
12 years ago

I don't have much hope though Ranjith. Frown Anyway, Thanks! Have you posted yours?

from hyderabad
12 years ago

No, I haven'yet written my entry. I hope that it would be done before 10th, the last date of the contest. Smile

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Best wishes Naveen:)
from hyderabad
12 years ago

When did the topic change? Innocent

Varun Gawarikar
Varun Gawarikar
from Manama
12 years ago

Indiblogger please tell us more about judging who would be judging and if such contracts are signed.

I now have serious doubts about the judging process. A post with 250 words and head shots wins ? what is going on here?

Who decides the consoloation prices ? Same bloggers keep getting the prices ?

Sampath Bhoompally
from Hyderabad
12 years ago

Yeah same Question from me..i support Varun..

Varun Gawarikar
from Manama
12 years ago

real questions get buried in the maze of promotions....Is there an Right to Indiblogger information ?

Sampath Bhoompally
from Hyderabad
12 years ago

I wish we had..now i think we should leave this thing and look forward to more in the next contest ..lets B +ve varun and go ahead. SmileInnocent  

Some day our day will come sure..Then we will rock Cool

AKHIL sutaria
AKHIL sutaria
from Valsad
12 years ago

Can I submit my entry in Gujarati language ?

from hyderabad
12 years ago

As I have said in the other thread, it is advisable that you submit your entry in English only. I remember someone else raising a similar question in a contest long ago. The choice of the language then for that particular blogger was Hindi. A member of the IndiTeam needs to confirm this.

from Bangalore
12 years ago

I don't know if the question has been addressed but what if we don't have Croma stores in our city?

Thanks and good luck:)

from hyderabad
12 years ago

Simple! Just give it to me Wink or you take the help of your friend or relative to redeem the voucher after you win it.

Sampath Bhoompally
from Hyderabad
12 years ago

lol ranjith sir :-)

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